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Classes d'été de 5 à 14 ans avec EFNY

EFNY - Education en français à New York - propose des classes d'été en ligne, en français, pour les enfants entre 5 et 14 ans. Programme à la semaine, en matinée, à prix abordable (arts plastiques, théâtre, musique, calligraphie, écriture créative, challenge lecture, jeux de français...). 


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6097301265?profile=RESIZE_710xby Andrew Palmacci

I recently sat down for a Zoom conversation with authors Agathe Laurent and Sabine Landolt to hear about the making of their new book, Can We Agree to Disagree?, which tackles the challenges, complexities and, yes, struggles of Americans working with the French, and vice-versa, in companies in both countries. Its format is to treat different work-world themes in sections, seasoned with real-life quotes from professionals of both nationalities on the ground. Underlying the authors' work is the idea of facilitating cross-cultural communication and understanding between professionals from and on both sides of the Atlantic. It's truly an unconventional attempt to bridge the disconnect between cultures.

The authors want to encourage companies, and specifically, HR departments, to support employees in this discovery of the other culture. To go beyond on-boarding and 1 shot workshops, but to foster consistent and in-depth cultural knowledge, to stimulate creativity on how to get there. Ms. Laurent and Ms. Landolt hope their book will whet their readers' appetite to learn more from the real-world experiences that they have organized into a highly accessible format.

They state that their ultimate goal for Can We Agree to Disagree? is to allow individuals to open their minds and work better with their colleagues from either France or the U.S. So, certainly, professionals working in multi-national and -cultural organizations and leaders within these organizations will benefit from paging through this new entry in the business and intercultural communication literary conversation.

Laurent and Landolt's conviction, based on insight they have gained from their own extensive careers and their own thorough research for this book, is simple, but one that is often forgotten: "we should all stay humble and avoid judging when we don't know the other person, their culture."

The book, through the authors' well-devised and vetted interview methods, looks to promote "cultural understanding beyond stereotypes" in the words of these two women.  Normally, they have found that people in a work situation don't understand the reactions of someone of the other culture to one's own cultural mores and attitudes. They insist that you can't extrapolate your own country's working process to another's. Intriguingly, the authors consider feelings and emotions to be an important--maybe the most important--of working through cross-cultural misunderstandings.

As the quotes from French and American professionals working with people of the other nationality form the savory meat of this book, the reader will feel the intensity of the emotions expressed in its pages. Laurent and Landolt noticed that the people they were interviewing felt uncomfortable. A broad spectrum of emotions was triggered in the participants on examining their work with members of the other culture. For some, they really didn't want to work with the other again.

Can We Agree to Disagree? is purposely not a linear read. It's a "mosaic". It features topics that matter to people, to professionals. Chapters connect and refer back to each other, are multi-layered and full of subtleties. It's a book for sensitive people who appreciate the "other" and want to learn par guise de an aesthetically pleasing layout, design, printing, all of which any reader will find in this tome.

Reaching understanding for better working relationships between people of different nationalities, cultures, and really humans of all stripes, is what the two authors of Can We Agree to Disagree? are after--and this is work they genuinely and passionately enjoy.


6060389855?profile=RESIZE_400xCan We Agree To Disagree?: Exploring the differences at work between Americans and the French: A perspective on the cultural gap and tips for successful and happy collaborations.

By Agathe Laurent and Sandrine Landolt

A compelling collection of anecdotes about French and American professionals on their experiences working together. This book reveals the risks of misjudgments. It provides tips and tricks to foster mutual understanding.  Its goal is to spark curiosity, encourage professionals to adopt the best methods from both cultures, and to better work together.

Release Date: June 15, 2020
Available in: Paperback, Hardcover, and soon, eBook
Paperback: 124 pages
Publisher: Tbr Books (June 15, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1947626485
ISBN-13: 978-1947626485
Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.3 x 10 inches
Shipping Weight: 10.7 ounces
Price: $23.99
Order Now







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I have known Blake Ramsey for almost 10 years when he started teaching in French bilingual programs in New York City. I have watched him grow as an educator, impressed by his consistency and professionalism, as well as his dedication to French dual-language education. He has now embarked in a new mission, carrying the torch of French dual-language education even further, and joining the team at Fort Greene Preparatory Academy in Brooklyn for what promises to be one of the best French dual-language middle school programs in an American public school. Below are his answers to my questions.

Tell us a little bit about your background and interest in dual-language education and the French language:

Having extensively studied, worked and lived in France for about half of my life, French and American English run through my veins. My first encounters with the joys of  bilingualism happened when I was a young child. My father was an Emmy Award winning newscaster which brought many possibilities to meet new people and explore unique places, above all,  France.  My opportunity to become bilingual was rare, especially being from Atlanta, Georgia originally. In the 80s and 90s bilinguals who were not of Spanish speaking origin were few and far between. My bilingualism set me apart, gave me confidence, and has been my link to the closest people in my life. I cultivated my language as an adolescent by frequently  returning to France, and then as a young adult teaching in two Parisian High Schools, and studying in both Nantes and Paris, France at Université de Nantes  and Université de Paris 3; La Sorbonne Nouvelle, respectively.  

5986801700?profile=RESIZE_400xAs a professional, it has been my mission to make bilingualism accessible to all. I want to change what used to be considered rare into a right. After finishing back-to-back masters degrees in History and Foreign and Second Language Acquisition at NYU, I was ready to dive right into the work. I first started at PS 58 in 2011 after meeting Marie Bouteillon, the founding French Dual Language Teacher of the first French DLP in NYC. I worked at PS 58 for 5 years teaching 4th and 5th Grade French Dual Language. I subsequently served in District 13 at PS 133 for 2 years as a 5th Grade French Dual Language Teacher and Literacy and French Dual Language Instructional Coach. 

Expansion for French Dual Language Immersion proved difficult to ensure, so I set out to help create a pathway for families at the Boerum Hill School for International Studies. I had the distinct privilege collaborating with the magnificent Sarah Brooks who is also BHS’s  founding French teacher. At BHS, I served as the Language Acquisition Instructional Coach, French Dual Language Coordinator and I taught 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th Grade French Dual Language and Foreign Language classes. 

You will be joining Fort Greene Prep's community in the Fall as their first French Dual Language Coordinator, what was it that attracted you to this new project and this school?

Indeed,  I am thrilled to return to District 13 to serve under the leadership of Principal Paula Lettiere. It is an honor to be the founding French Dual Language Coordinator and Teacher in what will be my 4th school with the New York City  Department of Education. When I initially reached out to Principal Paula Lettiere in March on the eve of the lockdown, my goal was to offer any support I could to her community as a collaborative partner.  After speaking with her about her ideas for the program,  I made sure to  ask her if she had any openings. She described what I have been dreaming of for ages. She has both her head and heart in the right place and truly understands how the brain processes both information and emotion.  She is a phenomenal pedagogue with over 20 years of experience working with virtually every setting imaginable. Even more impressive to me is the fact that she is the founding Principal of Fort Greene Preparatory Academy and is embarking on her 12th year as Building Leader.  She has high expectations and big ideas for both students and teachers with a strong sense of practicality

Principal Lettiere is committed to providing a true Dual Language experience for her students, families and teachers.  She understands how to start not only programs, but also entire schools. As previously mentioned,  She is the founding principal of Fort Greene Preparatory Academy.  She knows that you have to start small, and that in order to break the rules, you first need to learn the rules. Therefore, the program design at Fort Greene Preparatory is based on research-based practices. As a French Dual Language Team, we want to equip our teachers and students with what they need to experience success.  Principal Lettiere understands the necessity of reducing the margin of error as much as possible in order to intelligently and intelligibly reflect on best practices, so that next steps truly improve upon the initial ones. 

What is the vision and the approach behind the new French dual-language program and how is the program going to be structured and who will teach it?

We are calling this initiative, “Carrying the Torch.” The expression means, “fighting or striving for a particular belief or movement to make sure it is not forgotten and continues to grow stronger.”  This is our approach at Fort Greene Prep as we are committed to providing a true continuation for French DLP into Middle School. With 8 years of elementary DLP experience and 2 years in Middle School, I will serve as both French DLP Coordinator and Teacher, bringing my experience and invaluable  lessons I’ve learned along the way. 

I am not completely starting the Francophone movement in the school community as there is already an existing  Francophone microcosm.  I will be joined by Mr. Avram Kline who is a trilingual (Spanish, French, and English)  Language Arts Teacher with over 15 years of experience.  Our School’s Guidance Counselor is also Francophone and a certified French teacher.  Finally, Principal Lettiere’s husband’s family is Canadian, so there is a personal tie to French within her own family. 

With regards to how we are “carrying the torch,” my recipe for the successful integration of any Dual Language Program into an existing school community is through carefully blending the Goals of Dual Language Education and the School’s Mission and Vision. Below is my simple, three-step process.  

  1. Start with The Goals of Dual Language Immersion:

The goals of dual language are for students to develop high levels of language proficiency and literacy in both program languages, to demonstrate high levels of academic achievement, and to develop an appreciation for and an understanding of diverse cultures. (Center of Applied Linguistics) 

  1. Incorporate the School’s Mission and Vision: 

Fort Greene Preparatory Academy is committed to providing an education of excellence that allows each student to develop intellectual independence, self-confidence and a sense of responsibility towards others both within the school and throughout the larger community.

The school will graduate future leaders, decision-makers and innovators empowered to solve the problems of the 21st Century. To meet this challenge, a rigorous inquiry-based curriculum will push students from foundational knowledge towards the problem solving and critical thinking necessary for success in college and beyond.

  1. Articulate the Mission and Vision of the School’s Dual Language Program; 









At Fort Greene Prep, our French Dual Language Program aims to serve students who have completed a (K-5) DLP for their continuation of speaking and learning in two languages. Our program is also designed to serve Students with Special Needs and English Language Learners whose language proficiency meet our eligibility criteria. As a French Dual Language Team, our goal is to ensure a rigorous inquiry based curriculum that  builds confidence in our students, so that all learners feel empowered to take intellectual risks in order to grow both inside and outside of the learning community.  We believe that learning in language immersion is optimized when student interest, sense of value, and comfort zone are top priority when designing curricula. Our experience has shown us that this is achieved through thematic units of study,  application of Equity in education and the usage Culturally Responsive Pedagogy.

Our program has the mindset of “strength through stability”.  Dual Language Programs must have a target language and a partner language across subject area(s).  At Fort Greene Prep, for every subject area taught in French, there is a partner language class taught in English. Additionally, we have tight horizontal alignment.  Our students will have equal access  to the target language and partner languages classes at the same frequency for the following subjects: Language Arts, Social Studies, Science with support in Math. Moreover, Dual Language Programs must have sensible vertical alignment so that students have the chance to achieve the Seal of Biliteracy once they are eligible.  Fort Greene Prep’s DLP is based on the existing vertical alignment of Core Content Areas, and incorporates language objectives, just like in the elementary school setting. 

What are some of the advantages that you foresee in a dual-language education at the middle school level?
My experience as a Dual Language Educator has shown me the amplitude of life-skills students acquire, even exclusive of the second language itself.  Indeed, overall I have seen a huge difference in students’ tolerance of frustration heightened.  Their organizational skills tend to be increased; DLP students are able to locate overarching themes that act as “connective tissue” between two seemingly unrelated concepts with greater ease. Students' problem solving skills are more advanced in autonomy. Finally and arguably, most importantly for Middle School,  Dual Language Students tend to be more resourceful and emotionally resilient than their monolingual counterparts.  Adding on a language doubles the amount of opportunities to experience success. At an age where human beings are going through rapid developmental change, the aforementioned skillsets make the experience much more manageable and balanced.  

How can interested parents find out more about the program and sign up?
We are still accepting candidates for our incoming 6th grade cohort.  We are offering seats every day. Interested applicants should apply to the school’s wait list on After which, Principal Lettiere can locate the applicants who meet our eligibility criteria to then formerly offer a seat. 

Download a presentation of Fort Greene Prep’s new French Dual Language Program: Carrying the Torch

Join Blake Ramsey Principal Paula Lettiere, and myself on Wednesday, June 17 at 3:30 via Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting

"Carrying the Torch An Interview with Blake Ramsey about Fort Greene Prep’s new French Dual Language Program." Conducted by Fabrice Jaumont for, June 15, 2020

Cover Photo: Daryan Shamkhali

Related article: New French Dual Language Program at Fort Greene Prep Academy

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Episode 16: Mbacké Diagne

5392620675?profile=RESIZE_710xPassage par le Sénégal et l'Université Cheick Anta Diop de Dakar pour une discussion sur l'éducation plurilingue avec le professeur Mbacké Diagne, Directeur de recherche au laboratoire Linguistique et Grammaire anglaises et africaines .

La situation des langues au Sénégal est représentative du bain linguistique dans lequel les nations africaines évoluent. La place des langues nationales dans les systèmes scolaires, comme le Wolof et le Pulaar entre autres dans ce cas-ci, est encore inégale vis-à-vis de la place qu'occupent les langues internationales telle que le français, l'anglais ou l'arabe. Cette situation est au cœur des débats actuels tant elle est liée à la réussite scolaire des élèves, aux questions identitaires et au développement économique du pays.

Retrouvez les épisodes sur iTunes, Spreakers, FrenchMorning, CALEC ou sur


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NYC District 2- French Dual Language Program-


== Attention certified Early childhood New York State teachers (with French dual language extension or a desire to get the bilingual extension) ==

The District 2 Pre-K Centers are looking for two French bilingual teachers certifed in (early) childhood education for the 2020-2021 school year.

Interested candidates who meet those qualifications should send a CV, cover letter to the Assistant Principal - Ms. Lisa Lew, at:

If you know someone who may be interested, please forward this opportunity to qualified teachers.

For more details about the certification:

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Vous êtes de langue maternelle française, vous aimez travailler auprès d’enfants et vous êtes légalement autorisés à travailler aux Etats-Unis ? 


Dans le cadre de son « Enrichment program » en français, EFNY recherche DES PROFESSEUR(E)S pour la rentrée 2020.


Qualités requises :


- avoir une excellente maîtrise du français à l’oral comme à l’écrit


- avoir un diplôme d’enseignement et/ou l’expérience de l’enseignement en milieu bilingue


- être capable de mettre en œuvre une pédagogie différenciée et ludique


Missions :


- enseigner le français à des enfants francophones et/ou anglophones (de 4 à 14 ans)


- transmettre la culture française/francophone par le biais de projets et de méthodes interactives



Volume horaire : entre 2 et 6 heures par semaine, les après-midi 


Durée : de mi-septembre 2020 à fin juin 2021


Rémunération selon expérience.



Envoyer CV et lettre de motivation à

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5049728453?profile=RESIZE_710xFort Greene Preparatory Academy is excited to announce the launch of our French Dual Language Program beginning in September 2020 with one section of grade 6.  Fort Greene Preparatory Academy is a public middle school located in the Fort Greene neighborhood of Brooklyn, NY.  Our program has specifically been designed to provide continuity for students who are attending established French Dual Language Programs being offered in our Brooklyn Elementary Schools.


Read More about the School: New French Dual Language Program at Fort Greene Prep Academy by Fabrice Jaumont

We are seeking an experienced, certified French Dual Language Teacher to coordinate the launch of the program and facilitate learning for our first cohort of students. The French Dual Language Teacher is responsible for the education of assigned students and will create a flexible program and class environment favorable for learning and personal growth. The teacher will teach literacy skills and identified content subjects to students through the use of both the French language and English language in a 50/50 model.


The ideal candidate will have excellent language and communication skills in both French and English, including familiarity with online teaching and communication systems.  Ideal candidates will be collaborative, inclusive, and strong builders of culture and relationships within the school, among students and their families, and within the larger community. A strong knowledge of the stages of language acquisition, project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, social-emotional development of adolescents, and differentiation techniques is preferred.  Teachers who are dynamic and creative thinkers are encouraged.


Applicants may submit resumes, cover letters, and digital teaching portfolios to:

Principal Paula Lettiere at

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Thinking of earning University credit for French classes?

Consider Montclair State University, only 13 miles from New York and easily accessible by mass transit.

An online summer graduate course (15 May to 25 June) explores "Exploits, Disguise, and Trickery in Medieval French Literature" while Montclair State 2020 Summer and Fall classes are dedicated to Translation, contemporary North African writers, Hugo's Les Misérables and its adaptations, and films from French-speaking Africa and the Caribbean (in addition to language and culture classes at all levels).

The French program at Montclair offers:

  • BA in French with concentrations in French civilization, translation, and teaching
  • A 5-year joint BA/MA in French Studies
  • An MA in French with a concentration in Professional Translation or French Studies
  • Various pathways to becoming an NJ certified teacher.

For more information, contact the Department of Modern Languages: Or follow us on Instagram and Twitter: @msufrench

Venez nombreux! Au plaisir de vous voir à Montclair!

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 Jacques Blamont, l'action, sœur du rêve / Rina Sherman

dans la collection VOICES. k éditeur.

Premier directeur scientifique et technique du CNES (Centre national d’études spatiales), membre de l’Académie des sciences, auteur de nombreux essais, les titres et références de notre ami Jacques Blamont sont innombrables et ne suffiraient pourtant pas à dire la richesse de l’homme. Rina Sherman lui a consacré un ciné-portrait qui vous permettra de l’apprécier en cette période de confinement*. 4512150549?profile=RESIZE_400x

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The Ideal Exhibition with Hervé Tullet - Wikipedia

Art in my Window: An Ideal Exhibition at home with Hervé Tullet

Can an exhibition take place in a shoebox? In a museum? In a window? Of course! Anything’s possible. 

Children, families and art-lovers of all ages are invited to add color and joy to the world as part of “The ideal exhibition with Hervé Tullet.”

Created in 2018 by Hervé Tullet and Tobo Studio, the Ideal Exhibition is a project in which the acclaimed children’s book author and artist, shares his inspirations, reflections, creative process, and advice for budding artists to create their own exhibitions at home. Since its inception, the project has inspired a multitude of exhibitions of all sizes throughout the world, from Los Angeles to France, Italy, Switzerland, and beyond. 

We are happy to invite you to participate in Art in my Window: An Ideal Exhibition at home with Hervé Tullet, a series of online events designed to guide all generations create a virtual collective museum during the confinement. Together, let’s build a collective museum and create artworks to display in your windows for our neighbors to see and enjoy ! 

These events have been developed in partnership with Herve Tullet, the Cultural Services of the French Embassy, Bayam and La Petite Ecole NY . 

The highlight will be a live online flower workshop lead by Hervé Tullet on Saturday, April 25 at 11:30am. 

-       Mornings workshops with La Petite École New York

On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 11:30 am EST, join La Petite Ecole New York  facebook page for a creative workshop for children to create large works of art together to decorate their windows and shine some color onto our world. Themes and dates are as listed below for next week, more informations here

 Tuesday April 21: “Drawing Factory/ Trash workshop” Wednesday April 22: “Totems” Thursday April 23 : "Mosaique/ Windows/ Taches”


-       “Bored Dom Dom Dom” – Hervé Tullet’s ‘stuck at home’ mini-series 

This will make you smile, give you ideas and inspire you to take on art in a new and relaxed way. 

A daily meet-up not to be missed beginning on April 14 at 3 pm on Bayam and Herve Tullet's Facebook page 


-       The Giant Workshop

On April 25 at 11:30 am EST, Hervé Tullet, in partnership with the Cultural Services of the French Embassy and La Petite Ecole New York, will host a live workshop to create giant flowers. The live will then be re-shown for three days on the Bayam site, April 25-April 27.

 Get your materials ready! 

-       Paper: set up a big piece of paper on the floor or on a wall, or keep a  stack of papers close by to use throughout the workshop

-       Paint or markers: Hervé’s favorite colors are blue, red and yellow. Feel free to add whatever colors you like best.


 Post your artwork on Instagram with hashtag #artinmywindow and tag @expo_ideale_herve_tullet, @lapetiteecolenyc, and @frenchcultureus @bayam_fr for a chance to have it shared! 

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Art in my Window: An Ideal Exhibition at home with Hervé Tullet

Can an exhibition take place in a shoebox? In a museum? In a window? Of course! Anything’s possible. 

Children, families and art-lovers of all ages are invited to add color and joy to the world as part of “The ideal exhibition with Hervé Tullet.”

Created in 2018 by Hervé Tullet and Tobo Studio, the Ideal Exhibition is a project in which the acclaimed children’s book author and artist, shares his inspirations, reflections, creative process, and advice for budding artists to create their own exhibitions at home. Since its inception, the project has inspired a multitude of exhibitions of all sizes throughout the world, from Los Angeles to France, Italy, Switzerland, and beyond. 

We are happy to invite you to participate in Art in my Window: An Ideal Exhibition at home with Hervé Tullet, a series of online events designed to guide all generations create a virtual collective museum during the confinement. Together, let’s build a collective museum and create artworks to display in your windows for our neighbors to see and enjoy ! 

These events have been developed in partnership with Herve Tullet, the Cultural Services of the French Embassy, Bayam and La Petite Ecole NY . 

The highlight will be a live online flower workshop lead by Hervé Tullet on Saturday, April 25 at 11:30am. 

-       Mornings workshops with La Petite École New York

On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 11:30 am EST, join La Petite Ecole New York  facebook page for a creative workshop for children to create large works of art together to decorate their windows and shine some color onto our world. Themes and dates are as listed below for next week, more informations here

Tuesday April 21: “Drawing Factory/ Trash workshop” Wednesday April 22: “Totems” Thursday April 23 : "Mosaique/ Windows/ Taches”


-       “Bored Dom Dom Dom” – Hervé Tullet’s ‘stuck at home’ mini-series  

This will make you smile, give you ideas and inspire you to take on art in a new and relaxed way. 

A daily meet-up not to be missed beginning on April 14 at 3 pm on Bayam and Herve Tullet's Facebook page 


-       The Giant Workshop

On April 25 at 11:30 am EST, Hervé Tullet, in partnership with the Cultural Services of the French Embassy and La Petite Ecole New York, will host a live workshop to create giant flowers. The live will then be re-shown for three days on the Bayam site, April 25-April 27.

 Get your materials ready! 

-       Paper: set up a big piece of paper on the floor or on a wall, or keep a  stack of papers close by to use throughout the workshop

-       Paint or markers: Hervé’s favorite colors are blue, red and yellow. Feel free to add whatever colors you like best.


Post your artwork on Instagram with hashtag #artinmywindow and tag @expo_ideale_herve_tullet, @lapetiteecolenyc, and @frenchcultureus @bayam_fr for a chance to have it shared! 

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District 13 in Brooklyn and Superintendent Kamar Samuels are committed to creating long term options for increasing the quality of Middle Schools by serving the needs of the community. The creation of the French Dual Language Program at Fort Greene Preparatory Academy is a centerpiece of this strategic plan. Fort Greene Preparatory Academy is located in close proximity to existing elementary French Dual Language programs at PS 20 and PS 133. Principal Paula Lettiere is one of the most experienced principals in District 13 and has created a school whose focus is serving the needs of all students. Fort Greene Preparatory Academy has an experienced quality staff that has developed a rigorous academic program. The school is poised and ready to expand to its next phase of serving the community.

Here is a virtual tour of the school:

And here is the recording for a meeting that took place on April 22, 2020 with Superintendent Kamar Samuels, Principal Paula Lettiere, Fabrice Jaumont and a group of parents and educators to discuss the opening of Fort Greene Preparatory Academy's French Dual Language program in September 2020.



5049343687?profile=RESIZE_710xPaula Lettiere is the founding principal of Fort Greene Preparatory Academy. As a graduate of Pratt Institute, she was proud to have the opportunity to open a school in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. Principal Lettiere started her educational career in gifted and talented education and aimed to create a school that would set such high expectations for all students in a supportive environment. Her strongest belief is that middle school is a time of exploration, discovery, and creativity that enables young people to become who they are meant to be. Fort Greene Preparatory Academy is designed to answer this challenge by offering a range of experiences for children in the Arts, STEM, Languages, and Humanities that includes Regents level course work.

An educator for 20 years, Paula Lettiere began her career as a teacher of English/Language Arts at Philippa Schuyler Middle School. She was a founding teacher of the School for Human Rights, instructional coach, and later became Assistant Principal. She received her administrative certification through the New Leaders for New Schools program in 2008. Prior to opening Fort Greene Preparatory Academy, she was on the founding team of Mott Hall Science and Technology in the Bronx as an administrator and instructional coach. She has acted an a mentor to aspiring leaders as part of the New Leaders for New Schools program and LEAP and is currently a guest lecturer for the education department of Pratt Institute.

Principal Lettiere loves her students and knows that they are the future leaders of Brooklyn, our country, and the world. It is her goal to continue to create a space for children that is ever expanding its diversity and inclusivity and meeting the needs of this dynamic community.

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World Environment Day is held each year on June 5. To celebrate our beautiful planet and excite children about the environment, we have curated a selection of 10 French movies, from documentaries discussing environmental issues to animated films that answer ecological questions. We hope the entire family will love these films!

Directed by Thierry Ragobert, 2013, 1h26, PG / recommended for ages 8+

When a capuchin monkey raised in captivity becomes stranded in the Amazon rainforest, he must learn to avoid predators and rediscover his natural instincts to survive.

Available on Vudu | The Roku Channel | YouTube | GooglePlay | iTunes | Amazon Video

Antarctica: Ice and Sky (La Glace et le ciel)
Directed by Luc Jacquet, 2015, 1h29 / recommended for ages 10+

From the Oscar-winning director of March of the Penguins, Antarctica: Ice and Sky is an epic tale of scientific adventure and a stirring personal memoir that recounts the remarkable life's journey of Claude Lorius, the first scientist to discover conclusive evidence of man-made climate change deep beneath the Earth's surface.

Available on Kanopy | Music Box Direct | Amazon Prime | YouTube | GooglePlay | Vudu | FandangoNOW | iTunes

April and the Extraordinary World (Avril et le monde truqué)
Directed by Franck Ekinci and Christian Desmares, 2015, 1h45, PG / recommended for ages 9+

Paris, 1941. A family of scientists is on the brink of discovering a powerful longevity serum when all of a sudden a mysterious force abducts them, leaving their young daughter April behind. Ten years later, April lives alone with her dear cat, Darwin, and carries on her family’s research in secret. But she soon finds herself at the center of a shadowy and far-reaching conspiracy, and on the run from government agents, bicycle-powered dirigibles and cyborg rat spies. Undaunted, she continues her quest to find her parents and discover the truth behind their disappearance. 

Available on Vudu | Redbox | YouTube | GooglePlay | Microsoft | Amazon Video | iTunes | FandangoNOW

A Reindeer’s Journey (Aïlo : Une odyssée en Laponie)
Directed by Guillaume Maidatchevsky, 2018, 1h20, PG / recommended for ages 8+

Meet Ailo, a newborn reindeer who embarks on an incredible odyssey with the help of his mother. Narrated by Donald Southerland and set against the frozen majesty of northern Finland, their journey is an uplifting story for the whole family.

Available on Vudu | YouTube | GooglePlay | Amazon Video | FandangoNOW | Microsoft | DirecTV

Bonobos: Back to the Wild (Bonobos)
Directed by Alain Tixier, 2015, 1h24 / recommended for ages 6+

The plight of the endangered Bonobos of Africa – mankind’s closest genetic relative – are presented in this critically praised, epic nature documentary.

Available on Amazon Prime | Vudu | YouTube | GooglePlay

Mia and the Migoo (Mia et le Migou)
Directed by Jacques-Rémy Girerd, 2008, 1h31, PG / recommended for ages 6+

Mia sets out on a cross continent journey, though mountains and jungles in search of her father, who has been trapped in a landslide at a construction site on a remote tropical lake. In the middle of the lake stands the ancient Tree of Life, watched over by innocent, bumbling forest spirits called the Migoo. The Migoo have been disrupting the construction to protect this sacred site – and now together with Mia they join in a fight to find Mia’s father and save the Tree, with the future of life on Earth hanging in the balance.

Available on Amazon Video | Google Play | iTunes | YouTube | Vudu

Mia and the White Lion (Mia et le lion blanc)
Directed by Gilles De Maistre, 2018, 1h38, PG / recommended for ages 8+

A young girl and her beautiful white lion Charlie set off on an epic adventure across the wild African savanna in search for another land where Charlie can live out his life safe and free.

Available on Hoopla | Amazon Video | YouTube | Google Play | FandangoNow | iTunes | Vudu

Oceans (Océans)
Directed by Jacques Perrin & Jacques Cluzaud, 2010, 1h37, PG / recommended for ages 8+

Stunning images await as you journey into the depths of a wonderland filled with mystery, beauty and power. It is an unprecedented look at the lives of these illusive deepwater creatures through their own eyes. Incredible state-of-the-art underwater filmmaking will take your breath away as you migrate with whales, swim alongside a great white shark and race with dolphins at play. Filled with adventure, comedy and drama, Oceans is a fascinating and thought-provoking experience you'll never forget.

Available on Disney + | Vudu | Amazon Video | YouTube | GooglePlay | iTunes | FandangoNOW | DirecTV | Microsoft

Song of the Sea (Le Chant de la mer)
Directed by Tomm Moore, 2014, 1h33, PG / recommended for ages 8+

Based on the Irish legend of the Selkies, Song of the Sea tells the story of the last seal-child, Saoirse, and her brother Ben, who go on an epic journey to save the world of magic and discover secrets of their past. Pursued by the owl witch, Macha, and a host of ancient and mythical creatures, Saoirse and Ben race against time to awaken Saoirse’s powers and keep the spirit world from disappearing forever.

Available on Redbox | iTunes | YouTube | GooglePlay | Vudu | Amazon Video | AMC On Demand | DirecTV | Microsoft

The Red Turtle (La Tortue rouge)
Directed by 
Michael Dudok de Wit, 2016, 1h20, PG / recommended for ages 9+

This masterfully animated fantasy film tells the story of a man shipwrecked at sea who becomes stranded on a beautiful but desolate island. He learns to live in isolation, seemingly tormented in his efforts to escape the island by a giant red turtle. Miraculously, he soon comes upon a young woman also lost at sea and they create a family together.

Available on Vudu | GooglePlay | Amazon Video | YouTube | Microsoft

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During this stay-at-home period, it's impossible not to cave and let our kids watch TV sometimes! 

While some series are pure entertainment, others are designed to share useful educational concepts, and still others may be silly enough to make the whole family laugh (and let us be frank, we all need it)!

When it comes to choosing TV shows for kids to watch, the number of programs available can be overwhelming, so we've gathered a list of great French TV series for kids ages 6 and above that are available now on U.S. online streaming platforms.

For preschoolers, you can check out our list of French TV shows available here. And if you’re looking for French movies to watch at night all together as a family, here is a great list too!

Code Lyoko
Recommended for ages 7+

A group of teenagers who travel to the virtual world of Lyoko battles against a malignant artificial intelligence known as X.A.N.A. which threatens Earth with powers to access the real world and cause trouble.

Available on Amazon Prime

Grizzy & The Lemmings (Grizzy et les Lemmings)
Recommended for ages 6+

Strong, whip-smart Grizzy rules a Canadian forest, where he has his paws full with a family of frolicsome lemmings.

Available on Netflix

Recommended for ages 6+

Heidi is a happy, talkative 8-year-old orphan who lives with her grandfather in the idyllic scenery of the Swiss Alps. Heidi makes friends quickly, and everyone knows they can always rely on her for help.

Available on YouTube | iTunes | Google Play

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir (Miraculous, les aventures de Ladybug & Chat Noir)
Recommended for all ages 7+

When evil arises, Marinette transforms into her secret superhero persona Ladybug, while Adrien transforms into his superhero persona Cat Noir, using powerful objects known as the Miraculous. Oblivious to each other's true identities, the two work together to protect Paris from the mysterious villain Hawk Moth.

Available on Netflix

Oggy and the Cockroaches (Oggy et les Cafards)
Recommended for ages 7+

Wimpy blue cat Oggy would like nothing more than to snooze, but he’s constantly bothered by the three ugly cockroaches who have invaded his home.

Available on Netflix

Pirata & Capitano
Recommended for ages 6+

Pirata & Capitano is all about never-ending quest for treasures, with great adventures, fun and team spirit.

Available on YouTube

Rabbids Invasion (Les Lapins Crétins : Invasion)
Recommended for ages 7+

When rambunctious Rabbids invade Earth, all havoc breaks loose as they fight an evil foe and embark on adventures in their yellow submarine.

Available on Netflix | Hulu | Amazon Video | Google Play | Vudu | YouTube

Seven & Me (Sept nains et moi)
Recommended for ages 9+

Snow and Camilla are excited to meet a new student whose family lives in a castle. But the dwarfs see this “Prince Charming” as a threat.

Available on Netflix

Shuriken School
Recommended for ages 6+

Shuriken School follows the extraordinary adventures of a 10-year-old hero Eizan Kaburagi and his friends during their first year at an under-funded ninja school.

Available on Amazon Video | Google Play | iTunes | YouTube

The Jungle Bunch (Les As de la jungle)
Recommended for ages 6+

Inside of the jungle, if there's a problem or an injustice to fix, no worry: just pull the signal of the Jungle Bunch and they will rush to the rescue! Maurice, the penguin-tiger, best known as "the big warrior tiger" is always ready to lead the rest of the bunch in a new adventure.

Available on Hulu | YouTube TV | Fubo

The Long Long Holiday (Les grandes grandes vacances)
Recommended for ages 7+

Young siblings learn about country life and surviving Nazi occupation when World War II breaks out while they're visiting grandparents in Normandy.

Available on Amazon Prime

Recommended for ages 11+

In a fantasy world, a mysterious figure leaves a baby boy with a retired bounty hunter in a small village with instructions to raise him until the time is right for him to find his biological family. Years later, that boy named Yugo discovers he has powerful magic abilities using the power of Wakfu even as his village is threatened.

Available on Netflix

If you like it, you can watch also:
Wakfu: The Quest for the Six Eliatrope Dofus - available on Netflix

Zak Jinks
Recommended for ages 6+

The hilarious day-in-the-life of a mischievous and loveable 8-year-old boy! Zak is an ordinary, joyful and very optimistic boy who happens to be eminently likeable!

Available on Amazon Prime | The Roku Channel | Apple TV

Zak Storm (Zak Storm, super pirate)
Recommended for ages 7+

Teen surfer Zak Storm is mysteriously transported to the Bermuda Triangle, where he becomes the captain of a magical ship full of misfits.

Available on Netflix

Zig & Sharko
Recommended for ages 7+

Zig, an island-bound hyena, will do anything to get his paws on Marina the mermaid, but her devoted pal Sharko always comes to her rescue in time.

Available on Netflix

Zorro – The Chronicles (Les Chroniques de Zorro)
Recommended for ages 6+

Young Don Diego faces the greatest challenge of his life as he fights for justice against numerous unscrupulous tyrants! But Zorro never kills: he simply ridicules his opponents to teach them a lesson, and signs his deeds with his trademark Z!

Available on Hulu

And don't forget Tivi5MONDE!

TiVi5MONDE is America's first and only 24/7 French language children's network delivering cartoons, educational shows, animations and teen series - the ideal destination for the kids ages 4- 12! Kids' favorites include CalimeroOui Oui, Il était une fois...L'HommeBelle et SébastienChasseurs de dragons... Visit to learn more.

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In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, many of us are home-bound with our kids. While we all try to find activities and great content to keep them busy, we thought you might enjoy a few recommendations of movies to watch together.

Below, we've rounded up a list of French family-friendly flicks available on U.S. streaming platforms that both kids and parents would like!

A Bag of Marble (Un Sac de billes)
Directed by Christian Duguay, 2017, 1h52, recommended for ages 10+

Joseph and Maurice are the sons of Roman, the local barber. At ages 10 and 12, the boys have so little understanding of the persecution of Jews that Joseph thinks nothing of swapping his yellow star for a bag of marbles....

Available on Kanopy | Showtime | DirecTV | Fubo | Vudu | YouTube | Google Play

Asterix at the Olympic Games (Astérix aux Jeux Olympiques)
Directed by Frederic Forestier, 2008, 1h57, recommended for ages 9+

In their new adventures, Asterix and Obelix come to the aid of their friend Alafolix, who must fight Brutus, Cesar’s son, to win both the Olympic Games and the hand of beautiful Irina. But heinous Brutus is determined to beat the Gaul and take his father’s place.

Available on Amazon Video | Vudu | Google Play | YouTube | Hoopla | iTunes

Belle and Sebastian (Belle et Sébastien)
Directed by Nicolas Vanier, 2013, 1h44, recommended for ages 10+

Based on the beloved children's book, this exciting tale set in the picturesque French Alps follows the friendship of a 6-year-old boy and a stray dog who prove to be heroes when they help defend their occupied village from the Nazis.

Available on Amazon Prime | Hoopla | tubi | iTunes | FandangoNow | YouTube | Google Play

If you like it, you can watch the entire series:

Belle and Sebastian: The Adventure Continues (Belle et Sébastien, l’aventure continue) by Christian Duguay, 2015, 1h37, PG / recommended for ages 8+
Available on FandangoNow | YouTube | Google Play | iTunes

Belle and Sebastian 3: The Last Chapter (Belle et Sébastien 3 : Le dernier chapitre) by Clovis Cornillac, 2017, 1h37, recommended for ages 9+
Available on FandangoNow | Google Play | YouTube

Boule & Bill
Directed by Franck Magnier & Alexandre Charlot, 2013, 1h22, PG / recommended for ages 8+

Buddy is an abandoned young cocker spaniel waiting dejectedly in his cage for a kind, new owner to adopt him. Suddenly, Billy, a little boy whose hair is as red as Buddy's, appears. It's love at first sight and the beginning of a great friendship. But for Billy's parents, this is where the trouble begins.

Available on iTunes | Google Play | Vudu | YouTube

Christmas & Co (Santa & Cie)
Directed by Alain Chabat, 2017, 1h39, recommended for ages 7+

Christmas Eve is right around the corner, when everything goes haywire. Santa's 92,000 elves all fall ill and collapse... Simultaneously! Santa panics and worries about who will make the toys for all the kids all around the world? He has no choice! Santa and his reindeer must go to Earth in search of a cure. But once he gets there, Mr. Claus will need some help to save the magic of Christmas...

Available on YouTube | Google Play | iTunes

Donkey Skin (Peau d'âne)
Directed by Jacques Demy, 1970, 1h30, PG / recommended for ages 6+

The King seeks the hand of his own daughter in marriage after promising his dying wife to only wed a woman more beautiful than herself. Listening to her fairy godmother, the frightened Princess flees and hides, disguised as a scullery maid, while wearing the skin of a donkey. As a visiting prince passes by, he asks Donkey Skin to bake him a cake. She decides to bake him a Love Cake, in which she hides a ring…

Available on The Criterion Channel

Houba! On the Trail of the Marsupilami (Sur la piste du Marsupilami)
Directed by Alain Chabat, 2012, 1h40, PG-13 / recommended for ages 10+

When reporter Dan Geraldo arrives in Palombia to hunt for a scoop, he never suspects that he is about to make an incredible discovery... With his resourceful local guide Pablito, Dan has one surprise after another during a thrilling adventure that allows him to bring the world some spectacular news: the Marsupilami, a mythical and mischievous animal, really does exist! You too will believe in furry tails!

Available on iTunes | Google Play | YouTube

Lucky Luke
Directed by James Huth, 2009, 1h43, PG-13 / recommended for ages 12+

During his mission in Daisy Town, the city where he grew up, Lucky Luke is going to come across Billy the Kid, Calamity Jane, Pat Poker, Jesse James and sexy Belle.

Available on YouTube | iTunes | Google Play

Mia and the White Lion (Mia et le lion blanc)
Directed by Gilles De Maistre, 2018, 1h38, PG / recommended for ages 8+

A young girl and her beautiful white lion Charlie set off on an epic adventure across the wild African savanna in search for another land where Charlie can live out his life safe and free.

Available on Hoopla | Amazon Video | YouTube | Google Play | FandangoNow | iTunes | Vudu

Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday (Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot)
Directed by Jacques Tati, 1953, 1h27, recommended for ages 7+

Monsieur Hulot, Jacques Tati’s endearing clown, takes a holiday at a seaside resort, where his presence provokes one catastrophe after another. Tati’s masterpiece of gentle slapstick is a series of effortlessly well-choreographed sight gags involving dogs, boats, and firecrackers; it was the first entry in the Hulot series and the film that launched its maker to international stardom.

Available on The Criterion Channel | Kanopy | Amazon Video | iTunes

Nicholas on Holiday (Les Vacances du Petit Nicolas)
Directed by Laurent Tirard, 2014, 1h37, recommended for ages 7+

Nicholas, his parents and Granny hit the road, heading for the sea, and a stay in the Beau-Rivage Hotel. At the beach, Nicholas wastes little time making new friends, and the group has many adventures in this family…

Available on Kanopy | Amazon Prime | iTunes | YouTube | Google Play | Vudu

On the Way to School (Sur le chemin de l’école)
Directed by Pascal Plisson, 2015, 1h17, PG / recommended for ages 6+

The story of four students from different parts of the world that travel long distances to attend school.

Available on Hoopla | Kanopy | SundanceNow | Amazon Video | YouTube | Google Play | Vudu | iTunes

School of Life (L’école buissonnière)
Directed by Nicolas Vanier, 2017, 1h56, PG-13 / recommended for ages 8+

Paul has only ever had one and the same horizon: the high walls of an orphanage in the Parisian working class suburbs. Entrusted to Celestine and her husband, Borel, the city child, recalcitrant and stubborn, arrives in a mysterious and disturbing world, that of a soverign and wild region. In the heart of a fairytale Sologne, Paul will learn about life, and also about the forest and its secrets.

Available on Kanopy | Amazon Video | Vudu | Google Play | YouTube | iTunes

The 400 Blows (Les Quatre cent coups)
Directed by Francois Truffaut, 1959, 1h59, recommended for ages 8+

François Truffaut’s first feature is also his most personal. Told through the eyes of Truffaut’s cinematic counterpart, Antoine Doinel (Jean-Pierre Léaud), THE 400 BLOWS sensitively re-creates the trials of Truffaut’s own childhood, unsentimentally portraying aloof parents, oppressive teachers, and petty crime.

Available on The Criterion Channel | Kanopy | Amazon Video | Vudu | YouTube | Google Play | iTunes

The Bear (L’Ours)
Directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud, 1988, 1h40, PG / recommended for ages 11+

Acclaimed account of an orphaned grizzly cub and a wounded Kodiak bear that join forces in their struggle for survival in 1885 Canada.

Available on Amazon Prime | YouTube | Google Play

The Chorus (Les Choristes)
Directed by Christophe Barratier, 2014, 1h37, PG-13 / recommended for ages 12+

When he takes a job teaching music at a school for troubled boys, Clément Mathieu is unprepared for its harsh discipline and depressing atmosphere. But with passion and unconventional teaching methods, he's able to spark his students' interest in music and bring them a newfound joy! It also puts him at odds with the school's overbearing headmaster, however, locking Mathieu in a battle between politics and the determination to change his pupils' lives!

Available on Amazon Video | Google Play | YouTube | Vudu | FandangoNow

The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec (Les Aventures extraordinaires d’Adèle Blanc-Sec)
Directed by Luc Besson, 2010, 1h46, PG / recommended for ages 10+

The year is 1912. A 136 million-year old pterodactyl egg, housed on a shelf in the Natural History Museum, has mysteriously hatched, unleashing a prehistoric monster onto the Parisian streets. But nothing fazes Adèle, when she finds a connection with the ancient bird and reveals many more extraordinary surprises.

Available on tubi | Vudu | Amazon Video | YouTube | Google Play | iTunes

The Fox and the Child (Le Renard et l’enfant)
Directed by Luc Jacquet, 2007, 1h50, PG / recommended for ages 6+

What would it be like to have a fox for a friend? A 10-year-old girl who wants to know sets out to befriend a beautiful wild fox she names Lily. Bit by bit, in woods and fields blanketed by snow and carpeted by wildflowers, the girl and Lily build an extarordinary friendship as the fox leads her human companion on adventures bold, funny and even sometimes scary.

Available on Vudu | Amazon Video | YouTube | Google Play

To Be and To Have (Être et avoir)
Directed by Nicolas Philibert, 2002, 1h44, recommended for ages 7+

Georges Lopez is an educator at a small school in France's Auvergne region, where between December 2000 and June 2001 he taught 12 students between the ages of four and ten. Employing a curriculum that embraces both academics and practical skills, Lopez and his school represent a surprising mix of the old and the new, where computer technology and old-fashioned memorization of the multiplication tables sit side by side.

Available on Kanopy | Hoopla

Trouble at Timpetill (Les Enfants de Timpelbach)
Directed by Nicolas Bary, 2008, 2h13, recommended for ages 9+

Welcome to Timpetill, a small, serene village. Well, not really that serene… Indeed, for several weeks, the children have been playing multiple practical jokes and nasty tricks. The victims are, of course, other children… but also, and most of all, the parents. Overwrought, they decide to leave the village for what they think will only be one day. But nothing happens as planned: on the way back, they are taken prisoner by a group of soldiers. In Timpetill, the news of a village without parents makes Oscar and his gang of thugs happy! But that isn’t the case of a few daredevils who decide to side with Manfred and Marianne to regain control of the village.

Available on Vudu | YouTube | Google Play | Amazon Video | Hoopla

War of the Buttons (La Nouvelle guerre des boutons)
Directed by Christophe Barratier, 2011, 1h40, PG-13 / recommended for ages 10+

War of the Buttons follows Lebrac, a pre-teen rebel in WWII-occupied France. Lebrac enjoys leading "wars" between rival gangs of kids, but once he falls for a young Jewish girl in danger of being exposed by the Nazis, he must put aside the petty conflicts to unite the gangs and protect his love. In doing so, Lebrac and the other children confront the very real war happening around them.

Available on Redbox | FandangoNow | Amazon Video | iTunes | Vudu

You can also watch this other remake:

War of the Buttons (La Guerre des boutons) by Yann Samuell, 2011, 1h49, PG-13 / recommended for ages 8+
Available on YouTube | Google Play | Vudu

And if you're looking for short films:

A Trip To The Moon (Le Voyage dans la lune)
Directed by Georges Melies, 1902, 14 minutes, recommended for ages 7+
Available on Amazon Prime

The Red Ballon (Le Ballon Rouge)
Directed by Albert Lamorisse, 1956, 34 minutes, recommended for ages 4+
Available on FlixFling | Hoopla | The Criterion Channel | Kanopy | Vudu

White Mane (Crin Blanc, le Cheval Sauvage)
Directed by Albert Lamorisse, 1953, 47 minutes, recommended for ages 6+
Available on The Criterion Channel

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Having young kids at home during the coronavirus pandemic can be a challenge for any parent. With this in mind, we've rounded up a list of some of the best French TV series available for preschoolers on streaming platforms in the US. 

From staples like BabarSimon and Trotro, to the educational show Guess What?, and Ozie Boo!, which teaches little ones about protecting the environment, you're bound to find something to suit your mini TV critics!

Recommended for ages 5+

See the adventures of Babar, King of the elephants, his family and friends in this beloved series full of life lessons based on Jean de Brunhoff's classic book series.

Available on Tubi | Amazon Video | Google Play | YouTube | iTunes | Vudu

Recommended for ages 3+

Bali, a resolutely modern preschooler, lives a resolutely modern life in the big city. With a most un-stereotypical family, Bali faces the world inquisitively, sometimes shyly, never recklessly and always enthusiastically. 

Available on Amazon Prime | Google Play | YouTube | iTunes

Recommended for ages 4+

Rocky, Bill, Tiny and Mazu are four young dinosaurs growing up in the Cretaceous period. Life is always an adventure: new volcanoes are popping up all the time, enormous triceratopses roam free… and the big bad Gigantosaurus reigns over it all!

Available on Amazon Video

Guess What? (Devine Quoi ?)
Recommended for ages 2+

Timothy and Annabel are two playful rabbits who love having fun and sharing their adventures with children. Their favorite game is solving puzzles. But before they find the solution of each mysterious question, our heroes will meet lots of friends, collect clues and enter the Fantasy Land of Guesses as they leap into the kid computer.

Available on Apple TV | Amazon Prime

Recommended for ages 2+

Manon, the little queen of animals, lives on a farm and shares some funny and poetic adventures with all her friends: Bingo the dog, Melba the cat, Baz the Donkey and many others.

Available on Amazon Prime

Recommended for ages 2+

Mia is a six-year-old mouse who lives in the depths of a large house, with her Granny Mimi, her friends and neighbors. Inquisitive, daring and fearless, Mia gets excited by everything and anything: she wants to see, try and experience it all!

Available on Amazon Prime

Mini Wolf (Mini-Loup)
Recommended for ages 4+

Mini wolf and his fun-loving pals friends are always on the lookout for a new adventure even if it includes a little bit of mischief.

Available on Netflix

Recommended for ages 3+

Molang is an affectionate, humorous look at the relationship between an eccentric, joyful, and enthusiastic rabbit, and a shy, discreet, and emotional little chick. The series explores Molang and Piu Piu’s everyday life with warmth and humor.

Available on Netflix Hulu Amazon Prime | Disney Now | YouTube Google Play | Hopster KidStream 

Ozie Boo! Save The Planet (Ozie Boo ! Protège ta planète)
Recommended for ages 2+

The Ozie Boo Team goes to school like all children around of the world… but their school is the Nature School.

Available on Amazon Prime

If you like it, you can also watch:
Ozie Boo! – Learn To Live Together - Available on Amazon Prime

Recommended for ages 3+

Stan and Olivia – the amazingly different Paprika twins – use their boundless enthusiasm to turn everyday life into an extraordinary adventure.

Available on Netflix

Recommended for ages 3+

With his vivid imagination, Simon the rabbit searches for fun while learning about the importance of responsibility and communication.

Available on Netflix

Tales of Tatonka (Les Légendes de Tatonka)
Recommended age 4+

Meet Wanji, Nunpa, Yamni and Topa, four wolf-cubs who live with their parents Winyan and Wicasa amidst a wolf pack in the plains and forests of North America. Their friend Tatonka, the lone bison, initiates them to a world unknown to wolves: they will have to learn to live outside the family, sometimes in a hostile and totally surprising environment.

Available on Amazon Prime

Recommended for ages 3+

Trotro is a little donkey with a head full of ideas. He knows exactly what he likes and doesn't like. He's a positive and engaging hero, with whom young children will easily identify.

Available on Amazon Prime

Recommended for ages 3+

Zou, a little five-year-old zebra, lives in a town inhabited only by zebras. He and his extended family live in a large house right next door to his best friend, Elzee. He is an imaginative and inquisitive foal, and he’s now old enough to start becoming his own person!

Available on Amazon Prime

And don't forget Tivi5MONDE!

TiVi5MONDE is America's first and only 24/7 French language children's network delivering cartoons, educational shows, animations and teen series - the ideal destination for the kids ages 4- 12! Kids' favorites include CalimeroOui Oui, Il était une fois...L'HommeBelle et SébastienChasseurs de dragons... Visit to learn more.

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