eric e. (esquared) commented on Karen Le Billon's blog post French Kids Don't Get Fat: Why?
"Why the French Secretly Love the Golden Arches

Aug 21, 2019
Solange SUON commented on Karen Le Billon's blog post Organic celery salad and sautéed root vegetables, anyone? How French school lunches teach kids to love healthy food
"Je souhaite vous faire partager cette étude (résumé) du CREDOC sur l'alimentation en général en France et aux USA. Je vous invite à la lire :
Il ressort de cette étude que : 
Aug 21, 2019
Nathalie Charles commented on Karen Le Billon's blog post French Kids Don't Get Fat: Why?
"Check this out:
Why McDonald's In France Doesn't Feel Like Fast Food"
Aug 21, 2019
Gerry commented on Karen Le Billon's blog post French Kids Don't Get Fat: Why?
"Great post! I printed it so I could share it with some other people."
Aug 21, 2019
Elisabeth G Marsh commented on Karen Le Billon's blog post French Kids Don't Get Fat: Why?
"Je viens de passer quatre mois en France, a Paris et en Normandie, et j'ai remarque plus d'enfants "rond" que par le passe, mais surtout 
beaucoup plus d'adultes obeses qu'il y a 25-30 ans."
Aug 21, 2019
eric e. (esquared) commented on Karen Le Billon's blog post French Kids Don't Get Fat: Why?
"+1. Bloomberg should learn from this, instead of banning 16ozs. soda."
Aug 21, 2019
Christel De La Ossa commented on Karen Le Billon's blog post Organic celery salad and sautéed root vegetables, anyone? How French school lunches teach kids to love healthy food
"I grew up in France and we always had a long lunch. So do adults at work, they take a full hour out of the office, eat out with their colleagues or even go home, then go back to work refreshed, and more productive. That makes for a longer day…"
Aug 21, 2019
Christel De La Ossa commented on Karen Le Billon's blog post Organic celery salad and sautéed root vegetables, anyone? How French school lunches teach kids to love healthy food
"Another interesting difference is that the lunch period lasts one hour and a half in most French schools, which indeed enables children to "spend joyful, convivial moments together". This is how the French perpetuate their philosophy about food and…"
Aug 21, 2019
Catherine Korvin commented on Karen Le Billon's blog post Organic celery salad and sautéed root vegetables, anyone? How French school lunches teach kids to love healthy food
"Merci de poster cet article. J'aimerai bien avoir acces a des repas equilibres au travail (un lycee dans la region metropolitaine new yorkaise."
Aug 21, 2019
brigitte saint Ouen commented on Karen Le Billon's blog post Organic celery salad and sautéed root vegetables, anyone? How French school lunches teach kids to love healthy food
"Thank you for your article, My twins are four year old and love to ckk this why this summer i organize cooking class in my summer camp. and we will not cook cupcake and cookies... salade de fraise, and more will be at the menu and each week we will…"
Aug 21, 2019
Gerry commented on Karen Le Billon's blog post Organic celery salad and sautéed root vegetables, anyone? How French school lunches teach kids to love healthy food
"The French have much better eating habits than Americans do. 
In alot of American high schools students don't get a lunch period but they can eat in class.  They learn to eat for sustenance not for pleasure.  What they eat is often fast food.  No…"
Aug 21, 2019
Pascale Heuze commented on Karen Le Billon's blog post Organic celery salad and sautéed root vegetables, anyone? How French school lunches teach kids to love healthy food
"Of course it is an interesting point of view about some french schools lunchs ! but really do you think it is a common value in French schools ?
Not sure"
Aug 21, 2019
Karen Le Billon posted blog posts
Aug 21, 2019