Llyane Stanfield's Posts (332)

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Bonjourrr, les amis !


Do you want to feel more confident not just knowing what verbs to use in French but using them in all the tenses so that you can feel confident when you speak with the natives?

Let's practice some verbs for conversation, and get immersion-ready!

The verb of the week: SE PROMENER - to have a stroll (plus-que-parfait)
Je m'étais promené
Tu t'étais promené
Il s'était promené
Nous nous étions promenés
Vous nous étiez promenés
Elles se sont promenées

Write your sentence in the comments below, in French :)

Je m'étais promenée quand tu m'as appelée.

Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype, BREAK your language barrier and travel the World! Start with these 8 tricks to hold a conversation around need-to-know topics so that your stay in Paris is flawless: https://learnparisianfrench.j-ouellette.com/free-webinar-break/


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So, have you ever wanted to become someone else?


The possibilities are endless, of course, but did you know that the easiest way is by becoming bilingual?

Fluency in a new language changes and enriches everything you enjoy, from the art you like to the friends that surround you, to the way you think!

There’s no better way to become someone new!

Check out the article below for some more insight into the 13 best ways you can become bilingual, and watch the video for some French worth becoming!



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Bonjourrr, les amis !


Are you dreaming to make conversation in French when you go to Paris?

Even if you make mistakes, conversation is the way you can master the French language.

Today's conversation starter: « Aimez-vous voyager tout seul ? » (Do you like to travel on your own?)

Oui, mais je fais des amis très vite dans mes voyages :)

Write your answer in the comments below!

Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype, BREAK your language barrier and travel the World! Start with the free "Talk your love in French" - the collection of declarations of love that fill your life with romance: https://learnparisianfrench.j-ouellette.com/francais-sunday-webinar-love/


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So, have you ever felt confused about these two little words, DANS and EN?


It can be quite frustrating, no?

Today, I was just asked in my Conversation Club: “Je voudrais bien savoir – la différence entre l’usage de ‘dans’ et ‘en’.”

The issue is that they both can mean IN, so when to use which, and, for the love of all things holly, do we need two words to say the same thing?

Read the article below to get clarity about when to use EN and DANS like a brilliant francophone, and watch the video for some necessary French.



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So what’s your favorite tongue twister?


There’s been many that have been written over the years by famous authors.

It takes patience to help yourself memorize them, no?

Check out the article below for some more tongue twisters and watch the video for some French you won’t be able to help yourself loving!



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Bonjourrr, les amis !


Do you want to have a flawless pronunciation so that you are mistaken for a native and be easily understood by French speakers all over the world?

Here's the word of the week: CARROUSEL
Attention to the pronunciation of the S - it's tricky for many ;)
Practice it!

For bonus points, translate and write in the comments below a sentence using this word, something that is true for you.

Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype, BREAK your language barrier and travel the World! Start by downloading the free "Talk like a Parisian" Pronunciation cheat sheet: https://learnparisianfrench.j-ouellette.com/parisian-french-pronunciation-cheat-sheet-download/


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Bonjourrr, les amis !


Do you want to master the secrets of the French language so that you can make conversation even if you are a beginner, and inspire your friends with your confidence?

Here is your Thursday's quote, a fun start to your practice:

« La mer est un espace de rigueur et de liberté. » - Victor Hugo
Do you agree?

Write the translation (or your opinion) in the comments below, in French. Yes, you are welcome to use the dictionary! ;)

Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype, BREAK your language barrier and travel the World! Start with the free Parisian French Crash Course for Easy Conversation: http://ParisianFrench.com/


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It took me 730 hours – it can take you ONLY 4!


So, I love driving, and the time spent in the car, driving between my French classes could be put at good use.

Don’t take me wrong, I did have a language coach who helped me with my English pronunciation, but she moved on the West Coast, and now I was on my own.

I got a Berlitz CD and played it for 2 hours every day for 2 years. Played it in the car, and practiced it out loud, without any consideration for the other drivers who witnessed the process : )

And, to be clear, every day means exactly that: every single day. When I calculated how much time I spent on my English pronunciation, I was shocked: 730 hours in total.

But that was me, perfecting my pronunciation in English.

Read the article below to find out how will YOU master the French pronunciation in 4 days, and watch the video for some French that will guarantee your success.



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Bonjourrr, les amis !


Do you want to feel more confident not just knowing what verbs to use in French but using them in all the tenses so that you can feel confident when you speak with the natives?

Let's practice some verbs for conversation, and get immersion-ready!

The verb of the week: POUVOIR - to be able to (futur simple)
Je pourrai
Tu pourras
Il pourra
Nous pourrons
Vous pourrez
Ils pourront

Write your sentence in the comments below, in French :)

Si je parle aujourd'hui avec mon amie, je pourrai lui rendre visite lundi prochain.

Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype, BREAK your language barrier and travel the World! Start with these 8 tricks to hold a conversation around need-to-know topics so that your stay in Paris is flawless: https://learnparisianfrench.j-ouellette.com/free-webinar-break/


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Bonjourrr, les amis !


Are you dreaming to make conversation in French when you go to Paris?

Even if you make mistakes, conversation is the way you can master the French language.

Today's conversation starter: « Quel poisson aimez-vous manger ? » (What fish do you like to eat?)

J'aime la truite farcie de légumes :)

Write your answer in the comments below!

Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype, BREAK your language barrier and travel the World! Start with the free "Talk your love in French" - the collection of declarations of love that fill your life with romance: https://learnparisianfrench.j-ouellette.com/francais-sunday-webinar-love/


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Q&A Français SUNDAY

Bon dimanche, les entrepreneurs !


Do you want to master the secrets of the French conversation, so that you can make conversation even if you are a beginner, and inspire your friends with your confidence?

Take advantage of today's Q&A Français Sunday!

Please WRITE in the comments below your questions, your challenges or frustrations - along with your dreams, desires and goals regarding the French language and everything France and Paris.

Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype, BREAK your language barrier and travel the World! Start by downloading my secret cheat sheet: Top 10 French nouns with 2 genders - an Easy How to: https://learnparisianfrench.j-ouellette.com/top-10-french-words-with-2-genders-easy-how-to/


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So, do you want to become a fluent French speaker so that you can have the great accomplishment of speaking a second language?


Want to impress and inspire your family and friends, by showing them that, with some focus in the right direction, being bilingual doesn’t have to be that hard?

Do you dream to eventually go on an immersion in Paris to perfect your language in order to be able to communicate with the natives?

They say that people don’t remember what you are saying, but they remember how you make them feel. How much better you think they’d feel around you if you spoke to the natives in their own mother tongue?

Would that be important for your personal development, for work, for fun?

Read the journal of my first French immersion retreat in Paris VIP 1:1, and watch the video to see the French immersion at its best.



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Bonjourrr, les amis !


Je vais passer la journée dans le port :)

Tell me in the comments below - in French (yes, please use a dictionary! :) ).

Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype, BREAK your language barrier and travel the World! Start with the tips I share on my blog: https://LearnParisianFrench.J-Ouellette.com/blog/


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So, is your goal to write and speak French like a native?


You’re not alone.

Sara joined the Parisian French Conversationalist Facebook Group – Club J’Ouellette, and this is how she introduced herself:

“Hello! My name is Sara. I guess I’m a French beginner. I’m studying French for my field of study as a translator and I’m very excited about improving my level. At some point, I want to become able to speak French as fluent as a native and even write as a native, I hope. Being a bilingual is a great experience, it’s like going through an enriching adventure that expands your mind and I can say that I find French a very interesting language to learn. I guess that not being able to find suitable words during a French conversation is considered as number one frustration to me , hope to improve soon. ☺ pleased to join this group.”

Do you relate?

Read on and watch the video, to find out what you can do to be able to speak French as fluently as a native and even write as a native.



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Bonjourrr, les amis !


Do you want to have a flawless pronunciation so that you are mistaken for a native and be easily understood by French speakers all over the world?

Here's the word of the week: VERRERIE
Attention to the pronunciation of the first and second E - it's tricky for many ;)
Practice it!

For bonus points, translate and write in the comments below a sentence using this word, something that is true for you.

Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype, BREAK your language barrier and travel the World! Start by downloading the free "Talk like a Parisian" Pronunciation cheat sheet: https://learnparisianfrench.j-ouellette.com/parisian-french-pronunciation-cheat-sheet-download/


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Bonjourrr, les amis !


Do you want to have a flawless pronunciation so that you are mistaken for a native and be easily understood by French speakers all over the world?

Here's the word of the week: VERRERIE
Attention to the pronunciation of the first and second E - it's tricky for many ;)
Practice it!

For bonus points, translate and write in the comments below a sentence using this word, something that is true for you.

Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype, BREAK your language barrier and travel the World! Start by downloading the free "Talk like a Parisian" Pronunciation cheat sheet: https://learnparisianfrench.j-ouellette.com/parisian-french-pronunciation-cheat-sheet-download/


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So, are you afraid to make a fool of yourself when you try your first conversation in French?


You are not alone, mon ami.

We all felt at some point that we’d rather shut up than trying to put foreign words together – I know it happened to me when I started to learn Italian, because I felt I didn’t get the results I expected fast enough.

The advantage of learning with a language coach is that you can find the right motivation that inspires you to continue, and eventually become fluent, despite the fear that you are feeling.

Read on and watch the video below, to find out what are my 3 simple techniques that help you to ditch fear when you attempt to make conversation in French.



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Bonjourrr, les amis !


Do you want to master the secrets of the French language so that you can make conversation even if you are a beginner, and inspire your friends with your confidence?

Here is your Thursday's quote, a fun start to your practice:

« Le courage, c'est de chercher la vérité et de la dire. » - Jean Jaurès
Do you agree?

Write the translation (or your opinion) in the comments below, in French. Yes, you are welcome to use the dictionary! ;)

Immerse yourself as you FINALLY reach your dream of becoming bilingual, learn to speak Parisian French on Skype, BREAK your language barrier and travel the World! Start with the free Parisian French Crash Course for Easy Conversation: http://ParisianFrench.com


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So, are the French genders hard for you?


Do you always guess, and most of the times you don’t get it right?

Genders seem to be a very popular topic among francophiles.

In English, nouns don’t have genders, so it may be difficult to adjust to the French way.

However, if you think that German and Latin have 3 genders, you may feel a little better.

Here is my video answer to the number one concern of one of the members of my conversation Facebook group: “My number one frustration while learning French is how every noun has a gender. How can one remember the gender of every noun. It is something very difficult for me.”



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So, are you wondering what it takes to be good in French?


You’re not alone.

I received this question in the Duolingo French Facebook group:

“At what point do you think a person can say they started becoming good in French?

1. Is it good to be able to convey an understandable idea regardless of the grammar?
2. What are the most used verb tenses in the French language that a foreigner should know (and conjugate correctly)?”

Read on and watch the video below, to find out what are the 3 levels of “good in French” – which will help you find your own – and the exact way to learn all the important verb tenses for conversation.



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