Emmanuelle LORIOT APRUZZESE replied to New York in French's discussion Certified Teachers needed in NYC French dual language programs in Teacher Certification in New York
"Bonjour Patricia,

Pouvez vous m'informer sur cette certification for primary school?merci!

mireille delman said:Patricia Trowbridge said:Merci Fabrice! good news! Je suis en train de reussir mon certificat. Patricia"
Aug 21, 2019
Emmanuelle LORIOT APRUZZESE replied to New York in French's discussion Certified Teachers needed in NYC French dual language programs in Teacher Certification in New York
"Bonjour Fabrice,

Je travaille deja pour EFNY a PS234 et souhaiterais vraiment commencer a plein temps dans une ecole en septembre. Comment faire pour obtenir la certification pour le Primaire? J'ai commence l'autre certification (middle school) et…"
Aug 21, 2019
Emmanuelle LORIOT APRUZZESE replied to Quentin Jouberton's discussion K-3 Teachers needed for dual language programs in Jobs

I would be definitely motivated! I have started a certification for the Middle school, how can I get a certification in elementary education? Can I start working in a school and complete my papers while I work?
Aug 21, 2019
Emmanuelle LORIOT APRUZZESE replied to Marie Bouteillon's discussion Certification Requirements for NYC Dual Language Programs in Teacher Certification in New York
"Bonjour Marie,

Je me presente: je m'appelle Emmanuelle Loriot et suis professeur de Francais depuis 15 ans dans le primaire et le secondaire. J'ai travaille longtemps a l'Alliance Francaise de New York en tant que prof et coordinatrice pedagogique.…"
Aug 21, 2019
Emmanuelle LORIOT APRUZZESE replied to New York in French's discussion French-English Dual-Language programs seeking teachers in Teacher Certification in New York

Peut on commencer a travailler dans ces ecoles si le dossier de certification est commence (depuis 1 an)
et beneficier d'un "waiver' le temps de finir tous les examens et 'credits'?

Aug 21, 2019