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  • Bonjour a tous les membres. Merci de bien vouloir vous joindre a mon New York French Histoire-Culture&Traditions pour y laisser un petit commentaire, une anecdote, une gourmandise litteraire ou n'oubliez pas de vous joindre aussi a mon ning pour vous amusez et ecrire des contes d'amour avec les secrets de la seduction francaise or the myth of the french love, et faire aussi connaissance avec les plus beaux et les plus sexy des french lovers:
    Thank you and have fun,
  • Learn French, Spanish, Italian or Japanese @ the New School in one weekend.
    December 4 to 6, 14 hours of instruction, $300
  • Bonjour,

    Je suis a la recherche d'un emploi dans le support client et l'informatique en general.
    Je dispose de plus de 6 ans d'experience dans le support client par telephone, email, et en personne, en Francais et en Anglais.

    J'ai travaillé aussi bien au sein de petites equipes, que dans des call centers, et hotels.
    Je suis specialisée dans la gestion de reseau, les noms de domaines, et le multimedia plus generalement.

    Je vis a l'heure actuelle dans l'Upper West Side, a Manhattan et je suis disponible immediatement !
    Je suis joignable par email a l'adresse suivante pour envoi de CV ou astuces :



    I am currently looking for a permanent job as a customer service representative and in it / computers in general, in both French and English.
    I have more than 6 years of experience in customer support by phone, email, or in person.
    I had the occasion to work in small structures, as well as in call centers or hotels.
    I am specialized in network management, domain names, and overall, in multimedia.

    I live in the Upper West Side, Manhattan and I am available immediately !
    You can contact me by email to obtain my resume or to give me tips :

  • Pop Music Made In France, Dreamed Up in America:
    A French Rock Friday on Oct 30
    Free Admission - Limited Seating

    A special French Rock Friday on October 30 will give American audiences a taste of the exciting contemporary French rock scene inspired by America.

    The evening will begin at 7pm at the Cultural Services of the French Embassy with a free conference featuring live musical accompaniment. A musical journey through the history of American alternative music and how it has inspired and influenced French artists will be presented by Emmanuel Tellier, the eminent music critic and editor-in-chief of the cultural weekly.

    Lead vocalist Emmanuel Tellier, who in his spare time is also the editor-in-chief of the French cultural weekly Télérama, will set the scene and discuss the passionate relationship between the U.S. folk-rock scene and music fans and musicians on the other side of the Atlantic. In the sixties, British and American songs were all the rage, and French singers would make French versions of Anglo-Saxon pop songs in the hope of emulating their success. Today, America continues to seduce and influence French artists, but on a deeper and broader level: songs aren’t imitated, styles are. The 90-minute presentation will be punctuated by songs and extracts of songs, some played live. Audience members will receive a sheet of recommendations and playlists, a little recipe of musical cuisine, to introduce them to the latest in French rock.

    Friday Oct 30 7:00pm
    A musical journey through the history of American alternative music and how it has inspired and influenced French artists

    Cultural Services of the French Embassy
    972 Fifth Ave (at 79th street)

    Free Admission - Limited Seating
    RSVP required:
  • The New School is starting a new language immersion program this fall in Spanish, French, Italian and Japanese.

    The first weekend is on October 23, 24 and 25 with French and Spanish.

    The second week is on December 4, 5 and 6 with French, Spanish, Italian and Japanese.

    These weekends include 14 hours of instruction over one weekend:
    Friday: 6 to 9pm
    Saturday: 10am to 1pm and 2 to 6pm
    Sunday: 10am to 2pm.

    For more information, e-mail or call (212) 229 5676
    Visit our website:
  • I'm looking for full time job and I'm biIingual (french/english) and certified in PCA and HHA. And I have a lot of experience. If you are interested please contact me at
  • Bonjour,

    Je vis sur NYC depuis quelques temps et travaille dans l'immobilier, dans la location d'appartement plus precisement. N'hesitez a me contacter pour votre nouvel appart!!

    Bonne journee

  • International student looking for a job in Paris? Consider working Baby Speaking? Declared baby-sitting & language workshop job with children. Part-time job working from 4 to 20 hours per week. Working with Baby Speaking offers the opportunity to:
    - Meet a French family;
    - Meet all the international students in the structure (more than 15 different nationalities); Pay is up to 14 € / hour
    More here
  • Soirée de lancement d'un nouveau guide : le Hot & Cool Guide to French Culture le 29 juillet au Bubble Lounge
    Soirée de lancement Hot & Cool Guide
    Evening of bubbles and music to celebrate the launching of the French Culture Guide to New York. ' A celebration of the diversity of Frenchspeakers…
  • Do you need a babysitter? Do you need someone to take care of your pets too?
    I am a loving, caring recent MBA graduate with 10 years of child care and tutoring experience.
    Expertise in languages: Hebrew, French, Japanese, and basic Spanish
    Arts: drawing & painting, arts & crafts
    Available at short notice anywhere in Manhattan
    For more info please email:
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Bonjour à tous, je suis Ray. Designer Mode ivoirienne, vivant à Marrakech. Dans l'élargissement de mon réseau de vente, je cherche des boutiques où et concept store de mode à New York. Si vous avez des réseaux ou des tuyaux à me donner, je reste totalement à votre disposition. Voilà le lien de mon Instagram pour voir mes créations bientôt 😊

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District 15 DLP Initiative

Bonjour à tous!We are working with a group of local families in the hopes of opening additional dual language programs in District 15 public schools. We are so fortunate to live in such a multilingual community, and we are trying to gauge interest in these programs in order to bring some concrete data to school administrators and decision makers. Filling out this survey will help us tremendously! get involved or to stay updated, join our google group "DLP…

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Cours par un étudiant français de Columbia

Etudiant à l'Université de Columbia en mathématiques et philosophie, Diplômé de Sciences Po Paris et de la Sorbonne en mathématiques appliquées.  Je donne des cours de Français, Lettres, Culture générale, Philosophie, Histoire pour tous les niveaux. Je prépare notamment au baccalauréat, aux concours postbac (IEP, écoles de commerce, etc.) et à l’entrée en classes préparatoires. J’ai une longue expérience (5 ans, près de 20 d’élèves) des cours particuliers, une méthode éprouvée et d'excellents…

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