Our mission is to welcome, inform , and help all Jewish Internationals
coming to the USA , facilitate their integration, providing the link
between them and the Jewish american people ,strenghtening
their Jewish Identity, furthering Jewish culture.
" CCFNEWYORK Is a receptional, informational and cultural center
to strengthen Jewish identity, further Jewish Culture, link Jewish
Internationals with American Jewish people to help all
foreigners make a successful integration in the USA

    CCF New York’s mission through action:

Strengthen Jewish identity:

We offer courses of Torah and Chassidout.
   -In private: Professionals with a tight schedule benefit
from lessons in Torah by phone, or in person to strengthen
their Jewish heritage.
   -In group: Study of Jewish culture with emphasis of actual
and everyday life lessons.

. Conferences about Judaism.

Welcoming all in a warm Jewish environment:

     • Organize Shabbatons for Students in New York on
weekly basis: CCF New York has become the home
away from home for many students throughout the years.
      . Provide Kosher accommodations in Jewish quarters.
      . Organize large scale events for all Jewish Holidays.

Boost Jewish pride:

       . Create the bond with the complex network of the Jewish American Organizations, and Jewish International organizations.
Connecting people from around the world by the people

Humanitarian program:

     . Provide food packages every week to families in need.

Help us Help others
Sincerely and with much appreciation,

Rav Mikhael Cohen
Executive Director of CCF NEW YORK
1917 796 0680