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La langue française aux Nations Unies

La langue française aux Nations Unies


Stéphane DUJARRIC 

Directeur de la Division de l’information et des médias aux Nations Unies et ancien Porte-parole du Secrétaire général Kofi Annan 


Margaret BESHEER

Correspondante de Voice of America aux Nations Unies


Mardi, 28 mai 2013 à 18h30

Consulat général de France

934 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10021

(entre 74th et 75th Streets)


Merci de confirmer votre présence à :


Le français est l’une des six langues officielles des Nations unies, avec l’anglais, l’espagnol, le chinois, le russe et l’arabe. Le français est ainsi utilisé lors des réunions des organes de l’ONU et sert à la diffusion de documents officiels. Le français est également, avec l’anglais, une des deux langues de travail du Secrétariat des Nations unies. La Représentation permanente de l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie auprès des Nations Unies assure par ailleurs une animation et un suivi de la présence francophone à l’ONU. Stéphane Dujarric et Margaret Besheer discuteront de la place de la langue française à l’ONU.

 Stéphane DUJARRIC est le Directeur de la Division de l’information et des médias au sein du Département de l'information des Nations Unies depuis mars 2011. A ce titre, il supervise les opérations radio, télévision et internet de l’ONU.  Il a rejoint l’ONU en 2000 comme Porte-parole adjoint du Secrétaire Général Kofi Annan avant d'être nommé Porte-parole en 2005. Suite au départ de Kofi Annan, Stéphane Dujarric a travaillé comme Directeur adjoint de la Communication du Secrétaire général Ban Ki-Moon. En 2009, il a été nommé Porte-parole pour le Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (PNUD). Avant de rejoindre l’ONU, Mr Dujarric a travaillé pendant plus de neuf ans pour ABC News, à New York, Paris et Londres. 

 Margaret BESHEER est la correspondante de Voice of America aux Nations Unies depuis 2008. Elle a également été journaliste pour Voice of America en Irak (2006-07) et au Liban en 2006 pendant le conflit israélo-libanais de 2006. Avant de rejoindre Voice of America en 2002, Margaret Besheer a travaillé pendant 10 ans comme journaliste à Beyrouth et à Washington, D.C. Elle a co-écrit Cultures of the World: Saudi Arabia (Times Publishing, 2003). Margaret est originaire de Brooklyn à New York.


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Antonin Baudry est Conseiller Culturel à l’Ambassade de France à New York, mais il est aussi, sous son nom de plume d'Abel Lanzac, le scénariste de la formidable bande dessinée Quai d'Orsay. Le deuxième volume de cette série, qu'il signe avec Christophe Blain, vient de recevoir le Fauve d’Or,  prix du meilleur album au Festival d'Angoulême.  Les deux albums se sont vendus à plus de 500.000 exemplaires.  Le deuxième tome met en scène la préparation du discours du ministre Taillard de Vorms à l'ONU contre une intervention militaire au Lousdem, soupçonné de détenir des armes de destruction massive. 

Pour Antonin Baudry, le format de bande dessinée "semblait s’adapter au mieux à la narration de Quai d’Orsay. La collaboration avec Christophe Blain, dessinateur, devient alors aussi frénétique que le rythme de travail au Ministère en lui-même. Le travail s’apparentait même à la rédaction du discours dont il en racontait l’histoire.  Le défi, relevé, était de mettre en scène de façon à la fois drôle et sérieux, un milieu au semblant austère et montrer les coulisses des grandes manœuvres diplomatiques à une période historique, sans trahir la réalité. Ce qui doit rester est autant le portrait de l’ancien Ministre des affaires étrangères, qu’un hommage à la diplomatie française  qui garde une influence internationale."


La bande dessinée est maintenant destinée à l’adaptation cinématographique grâce à Bertrand Tavernier, qui réalise le film. Le film, qui rassemblera Thierry Lhermitte dans le rôle de Taillard de Vorms et Niels Arestrup dans celui de son directeur de cabinet, est prévu pour cette année.

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Art Sleuth, Canal Educatif


Cette série originale, intitulée « l’Art en question » en français et « Art Sleuth » en anglais, propose au spectateur de plonger dans une enquête sur des chefs-d’œuvre de l’histoire de l’art. Scientifique sur le fond, gaie et ironique sur la forme, elle est à contre-courant de ceux qui commandent d’admirer, de s’extasier ou de visiter la dernière grande exposition du moment, et cherche à encourager à porter un regard critique sur ces œuvres, à oser se poser la question de leur importance, de leur degré de réussite. Produite grâce au soutien du Ministère de la culture mais aussi du Google Art Project, et des dons des internautes la diffusion en français a déjà montre un grand intérêt sur le site Canal Educatif (, chaque épisode étant accompagné d’interview de spécialistes (français ou américains).  

Depuis 2007, ArtSleuth a constitué un large catalogue de vidéos éducatives en HD, à la fois en anglais et en français, autant en art, qu’en économie et en sciences. Le travail des auteurs privilégie la qualité a la simple quantité des vidéos, déjà très variées. L’élaboration tout à fait méthodique est d’abord de développer des scénarios problématisés qui mettent à la portée de tous le fruit de recherches scientifiques pointues. C’est cet esprit qui rend Art Sleuth si accessible pour tout public. La composition met en valeur une combinaison du texte et des images qui permet une approche plus raisonnée, réintroduisant le discours savant au cœur de l'outil multimédia. L’équipe propose des analyses de monuments ou d'œuvres, sur des « scénarios» élaborés et expertisés par des spécialistes. Les vidéos recèlent de commentaires didactiques et pédagogiques, et sont mis en images.  La base de ce projet est la production de vidéos éducatives en réunissant de nombreux talents et partenaires et veiller à leur meilleure distribution possible. Le Canal éducatif étant un projet col1aborarif, les spécialistes et passionnés sont alors invités à proposer un scénario et ainsi apporter une pierre a cet ambitieux édifice. ArtSleuth s’adresse tout d’abord aux enseignants afin de soutenir leurs cours, bien qu’un plus large public puisse tout à fait se retrouver dans ce projet. Cette initiative est disponible sur internet, permettant une large diffusion libre et gratuite. Ainsi, les étudiants peuvent profiter du travail élaboré en cela que les vidéos proposent une présentation complète et simplifiée des plus grandes œuvres d’arts. 

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3438642188?profile=originalPS 58 Caroll School

In September 2012, PS 58 will offer two Dual Language classes in all grades from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade.  Most students move up each year as a cohort into the next grade, so there are very limited seats available for French-speaking children in First grade and up.

French Dual Language Program, Grades K-5
330 Smith Street  Brooklyn, NY 11231

PS 84 Lillian Weber School of the Arts

The French Dual Language Program was started 4 years ago. In 2010 Principal Robin Sundick was named by the French government to the Order of Academic Palms, which recognizes accomplishments in academia. The After Schools Programs are full of lively interaction and active engagement. All of the activities are recreational and educational and are carefully designed to enhance the learning of French

French Dual Language, Grades K-1
French After-schools Programs, Grades K-1

32 West 92nd Street, New York, NY 10025

PS 133 William A. Butler School

At PS 133, the parents found a supportive learning community led by Principal Heather Foster-Mann, who welcomed parent and community participation to build a dual language program that will enrich children of all backgrounds in the PS 133 community. They also offer a weekly after-school French program, that is separate from the dual language program.

French Dual Language, Grades K-4
French After School Programs, Grades K-4

211 Eighth Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215

PS 110 Monitor School

The Dual Language Class will consist of half French speaking students and the other half of English speaking students. Students born in 2007 who are zoned for PS 110 and have registered for Kindergarten may apply to the program. Applications for the French Dual Language Program will be available at the time of Kindergarten registration.

French Dual Language Program, K-1
124 Monitor Street,
Brooklyn, NY 11222

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New York French American Charter School

3438642259?profile=originalThe New York French American Charter School is a growing community school with a global focus. As the only free, bi-lingual French Charter School in the U.S., they are also the only school to offer immersive French courses to children with special needs in the CTT classes, as well as offering immersive support for non-French speakers, providing them with the opportunity to enroll in the school until grade four.

311 West 120th Street
New York, NY 10027

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French After School Programs with EFNY

3438642186?profile=originalEducation Française à New York (EFNY) strives to create a New York City in which all school children, regardless of family income, have access to high quality French language education.  The mission of our not-for-profit organization is to facilitate and provide affordable educational opportunities for New York City’s school children to acquire, maintain, or deepen their knowledge of the French language and Francophone cultures. We fulfill this mission by supporting the creation of French dual language classes in New York City public schools and organizing French language after school classes.

In the 2012-2013 school year, our focus is on dual language middle school creation and further supporting our strong after school program.  Via its Board members, EFNY is facilitating the opening of NYC’s first French dual language middle school program – at MS 51 in Brooklyn – and is supporting parents’ efforts to launch a middle school program in Manhattan, hopefully also in September 2013.  Our after school classes also continue to grow: EFNY now offers rigorous, highly differentiated French language classes at six sites in Manhattan and Brooklyn, serving nearly 200 elementary and middle school students.  We are in the process of instituting uniform teaching standards and pupil expectations across the sites.  In addition, our Board recently expanded to include three new members: Céline Beloeil, the Board’s first French dual language teacher; Philippe Coste, New York Correspondent for L’Express and the Board’s first full-time journalist; and Hannah Helms, a dual language parent working on middle school creation. We will also soon send out a call for volunteers to help us sustain these vital programs – we need you!  For more information on our activities, please visit

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3438642183?profile=originalIn an effort to answer the growing need for French bilingual teachers in New York City, Hunter College is offering the Master's and Advanced Certificate in Bilingual Education with French-specific bilingual education courses. Students who successfully complete the Master’s or Advanced Certificate will be eligible to apply for teaching positions in New York City’s French dual language programs.Hunter College Graduate School of Education Bilingual Education - French Track

Prospective Student Open House

Thursday February 14: 4:00pm to 5:30pm

West Building Lobby

Entrance on 68th street at the corner of Lexington Avenue

We encourage non-certified candidates as well as early childhood, childhood and secondary school teachers to apply.


Deadlines:  Fall admissions: March 15    -    Spring admissions: October 15

Deadlines for international applicants: Fall admissions: February 1  -  Spring admissions: September 1

Who is an international student?

- Those who completed the majority of their undergraduate studies outside the U.S.

-Prospective students who are U.S. citizens or residents, but completed 60 or more credits of undergraduate studies in a foreign country must apply as an international student.

Three Streams

Master’s in Childhood Education - French

(34-52 credits)

For students who do not have Childhood Education certification, were not an education major as an undergraduate, and have never taught.

Leads to NYS certification in:

  • Childhood Education Grades 1-6, and
  • Bilingual Extension - French

Master’s in Early Childhood Education - French

(34-52 credits)

For students who do not have Early Childhood Education certification, were not an education major as an undergraduate, and have never taught.

Leads to NYS certification in:

  • Early Childhood Education Birth-Grade 2, and
  • Bilingual Extension - French

Advanced Certificate in Bilingual Elementary Education - French (14 credits)

For students who have childhood or early childhood certification and need bilingual education certification, or students who are seeking certification in another field and need bilingual certification.

Leads to NYS certification in:

  • Bilingual Extension - French

Admission Requirements for both Master’s

  1. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution acceptable to Hunter College with a GPA of 3.0 or better.
  2. A liberal arts or sciences major or interdisciplinary concentration of at least 30 credits.
  3. A general core in the liberal arts and sciences distributed as follows: 9 credits in math and science with at least one course in math and one course in science (a college course in calculus meets 6 credits of this requirement); 6 credits in English including one course in English composition with a grade of B plus a writing intensive course in any discipline with a grade of a B or better; 6 credits in social studies (of which one course must be in history or geography); 3 credits in the arts; and 3 credits in information retrieval (library studies, research, computer literacy, or educational technology).
  4. Completion of a satisfactory writing sample in English and in French as part of the application process.
  5. An on-site writing sample in English and in French and an interview.

Admission Requirements for the Advanced Certificate

1. A master’s degree with an overall GPA of at least 3.5 from an accredited institution acceptable to Hunter College or a bachelor’s degree with an overall GPA of at least 3.0 and NYS teacher certification. (initial, permanent or professional certification).

  • Early childhood education (birth-grade 2)
  • Childhood education (grades 1-6) or Common Branches PreK-grade 6
  • Middle childhood education (grades 5-9) or Adolescent education (grades 7-12)
  • Special subjects
  • Literacy education
  • Students with disabilities or special education K-12
  1. An on-site writing sample in English and in French and an interview conducted in English and in French.
  2. Two letters of recommendation, including one from a supervisor.




NY State Resident


Non-NY State Resident

Tuition at Hunter College is based on residency status (NY State resident or Non-NY State resident) and on the number of credits a student takes.









14 credits










34 credits












52 credits






New York City French Dual Language Programs

PS 58 The Carroll School 330 Smith Street

Brooklyn, NY 11231 Grades: K-5

PS 84 The Lillian Weber School

32 West 92nd Street New York, NY 10025 Grades: K-5

PS 110 The Monitor School

124 Monitor Street

Brooklyn, NY 11222

Grades: K-1, will open 2nd grade in 09/13

PS 133 The William A. Butler School 211 Eighth Street

Brooklyn, NY 11215

Grades: K-1, will open 2nd grade in 09/13

New York French American Charter School

311 West 120th Street New York, NY 10027

Grades: K-4, will open 5th grade in 09/13

MS 51 William Alexander Middle School 350 5th Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11215

Grades: will open 6th grade in 09/13

MS 256 Academic and Athletic Excellence

154 West 93rd Street New York, NY 10025

Grades: will open 6th grade in 09/13

For more information

Download Hunter%20Bilingual%20French%20Track%20Flyer%20PDF%20-%2001.20.13%20copy2.pdf


Detailed information about each program, including admission requirements, is available at

Further information regarding graduate admissions is available at                                           

For further information about admissions,                                                                       

please contact:                                                                                                                       

please contact an Admissions Advisor: E-Mail:   

For further information about the program,

Program Coordinator: Prof. Ann Ebe


Phone Number: (212) 772-4668                                                                 

Phone Number: (212) 772-4693

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MS 51 William Alexander, a screened middle school in Park Slope, Brooklyn, will be starting a new French Dual Language (DL) program next fall (2013) for incoming sixth grade students.  The program is open to participants in elementary school DL and bilingual programs, as well as English Language Learners and French heritage language speakers.  Students are expected to be proficient or fluent in reading, writing and speaking French prior to entering the DL Program.  The DL Program will have three components:  Advanced French Language Arts, World Cultures/ History taught in French, and an optional after school arts program in French.

Students must meet the admissions critieria for MS 51, which includes 4th grade Math and ELA test scores of 670 or above, review of the 4th and 5th grade report cards, and a student interview.  Preference is given to District 15 students, but the school is permitted to accept out of district students who meet the admissions criteria.  Interested families should contact the principal, Lenore DiLeo Berner, at and/or call guidance counselor Joe Phillips at 718-369-7603, for more information and to request admissions consideration.    General information about the school can be found at their website

Upper West Side Middle School Bilingual Project

Parents at PS84 (Manhattan) are working together with the Department of Education to open a Dual Language - French Middle School program in District 3 (Upper West Side) in Manhattan. The program is expected to open in an existing district middle school Fall 2013 with a sixth grade class. Students with French and English grade level language abilities will be able to apply. More details to follow.

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