
  • Go to France if you want to know more about what or who is French.


    Maybe, the question itself is too much of a caricature.

  • Bravo Ginette.
    Mais non, les francais ne se moquent pas vraiment de l'accent canadien, ils l'adorent tellement qu'ils en meurent de jalousie.

    Ginette Provost said:
    Les Quebecois, tout a commencer avec Jacques Cartier, puis les filles du roy, ca ce continue, 7 millions de francophones au Quebec! Voici un de nos cousins francais qui s'exprime:

    Les franc comtois avont un accent que l'on dit proche des quebecois.On se moque du notre accent en france mais on s'en fout on en est super fier!!!
    French Question ?
    What is French ? Who is French ?
  • Les Quebecois, tout a commencer avec Jacques Cartier, puis les filles du roy, ca ce continue, 7 millions de francophones au Quebec! Voici un de nos cousins francais qui s'exprime:

    Les franc comtois avont un accent que l'on dit proche des quebecois.On se moque du notre accent en france mais on s'en fout on en est super fier!!!
  • Differentes Opinions sur la question etre francais:
  • Nationality Decrees and Jurisdiction based on Nationality:

    Declared every person born on foreign land of parents at least one of whom is French who had also been born on foreign land to be, subject to certain conditions of proof, a French national.

    The matter was placed before the Council of the League of Nations. France there argued that the dispute arose out of a matter solely within its domestic jurisdiction and the Council requested an advisory opinion of the Permanent Court of International Justice on the preliminary question whether the dispute by international law solely a matter of domestic jurisdiction. Persons who were the descendants of France nationals and therefore, under the French law, themselves French national.

    The question whether a certain matter is or is not solely within the jurisdiction of a country is an essentially relative question; it depends upon the development of international relations. Thus, in the present state of international law, questions of nationality are, in the opinion of the Court, in principle within this reserved domain. For the purpose of the present opinion, it is enough to observe that it may well happen that, in a matter which, like that of nationality, it's not, in principle, regulated by international law, the right of a country to use its discretion is nevertheless restricted by obligations which it may have undertaken towards other countries.

    In such a case, jurisdiction which, in principle, belongs solely to that country, is limited by rules of international law. The Court held that the nationality decrees had to be considered in the light of a number of international agreements invoked by France; for that reason, it is for each country to determine under its own law who are its nationals. This law shall be recognised by other countries in so far as it is consistent with international conventions, international custom, and the principles of law generally recognised with regard to nationality. Any question as to whether a person possesses the nationality of a particular country shall be determined in accordance with the law of that country. Subject to the provisions of the present Convention, a person having two nationalities may be regarded as its national by each of the countries whose nationality he or she possesses, if that country confers its nationality or not. It is entirely to the discretion of France to determine who should be a national of France and who should not.
  • I do not mean to offend anyones sensibilities, however, I want to become french because I believe that is my bloodright based on my lineage. When a french person asks me, why is it important for you to be french or how important is it for you to be french, I reply that it is important to me because that is who I am.

    Valerie d'Aubigne said:
    Je pense que si la jeune Charlotte Gainsbourg, fille des celebres chanteurs Serge Gainsbourg qui etait juif de nationalite russe et Jane Birkin juive de nationalite britanique, est consideree aujourd'hui par tous les medias en tant que "French Royalty", en passant par Catherine de Medecis, Napoleon, Alain Delon et jusqu'a notre premiere Dame de France Carla Bruni-Sarkozy qui sont italiens d'origines (voir mon blog: Ces italiens qui ont fait la France), et le President de la Republique Francaise lui-meme, qui est de pere juif-hongrois et de mere juive-grecque (voir mes videos d'Enrico Macias et celle de Douce France), alors Michelle Jean Marie LE GOFF est aussi francaise et Duchesse Anne de Bretagne de plein droit.

    Michèle Jean Marie LE GOFF said:
    I am the american daughter of Breton frenchman and american mother. My beloved Breton grandparent's photo is attached. There is no question that I am an american woman, I was born of one american parent in the U.S. However I have french blood in me and I think that I am french by bloodright. My father was a full blooded Breton and I have two hundred years of Breton French family. Currently, my french identity is on the line, as the french administration will determine my french nationality.
    French Question ?
    What is French ? Who is French ?

  • jacques merab said:
    This question of who is French(or German or Italian or whatever else) is futile,depasse, irrelevant to the global age.
    I thought that French culture and humanism in its golden age aspired to be universal anyway .
    We are all first and foremost human beings.We all belong to the same planet.
    Tsunamis do not stop at national borders,nor do diseases, nor hunger, nor deforestation,nor the internet. .The issues of the day can only be addressed through a global effort.
    It is ironic that people living in NY and writing in English are still debating what makes a French French.
    Let's grow up
  • Je pense que si la jeune Charlotte Gainsbourg, fille des celebres chanteurs Serge Gainsbourg qui etait juif de nationalite russe et Jane Birkin juive de nationalite britanique, est consideree aujourd'hui par tous les medias en tant que "French Royalty", en passant par Catherine de Medecis, Napoleon, Alain Delon et jusqu'a notre premiere Dame de France Carla Bruni-Sarkozy qui sont italiens d'origines (voir mon blog: Ces italiens qui ont fait la France), et le President de la Republique Francaise lui-meme, qui est de pere juif-hongrois et de mere juive-grecque (voir mes videos d'Enrico Macias et celle de Douce France), alors Michelle Jean Marie LE GOFF est aussi francaise et Duchesse Anne de Bretagne de plein droit.

    Michèle Jean Marie LE GOFF said:
    I am the american daughter of Breton frenchman and american mother. My beloved Breton grandparent's photo is attached. There is no question that I am an american woman, I was born of one american parent in the U.S. However I have french blood in me and I think that I am french by bloodright. My father was a full blooded Breton and I have two hundred years of Breton French family. Currently, my french identity is on the line, as the french administration will determine my french nationality.
    French Question ?
    What is French ? Who is French ?
  • This question of who is French(or German or Italian or whatever else) is futile,depasse, irrelevant to the global age.
    I thought that French culture and humanism in its golden age aspired to be universal anyway .
    We are all first and foremost human beings.We all belong to the same planet.
    Tsunamis do not stop at national borders,nor do diseases, nor hunger, nor deforestation,nor the internet. .The issues of the day can only be addressed through a global effort.
    It is ironic that people living in NY and writing in English are still debating what makes a French French.
    Let's grow up
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