Parisian stage director Irina Brook presents a work featuring a diverse ensemble of female performers including Nicole Ansari, Winsome Brown, Joan Juliet Buck, and Sadie Jemmett. Inspired by , Marguerite Duras’s collection of essays on daily life, and Virgina Woolf’s , this evening promises to be more of a festive gathering of talents than a classic reading; an experience of sharing these authors’ extraordinary words while cooking, laughing, crying, singing, and dancing together in an imaginary and theatrical kitchen.Brook, daughter of director Peter Brook and actress Natasha Parry, has directed theater and opera productions throughout Europe. Her Paris-based theater company, Compagnie Irina Brook, is currently on tour with four different productions. Brook is a recipient of the prestigious Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres.Part of the series: In the Words of Duras