Feeling healthy and good about our body is essential to enjoy a playful life. Beginning September 24, Monday mornings will see a dozen women commit to living more healthfully by attending the playful and life changing Six-Week Nutrition Makeover for Optimum Health: Play with Your Diet with triple-certified clinical nutritionist and Food Coach Dana C. James.
One participant likened this program to attending "food school!" (See testimonials below.)
The program will be structured as follows:
Week 1 (September 24): Detox. 7 days of eliminating all alcohol, caffeine, dairy, gluten, eggs and red meat. This fresh start will leave us energized and ready to play!
Week 2 (October 1): Green Goddess Smoothie. A continuation of the detox week, but with the addition of green goddess smoothies to kickstart faster weight loss. Dana will show us how to make our own nut milks and great smoothies.
Feng Shui Master Benjamin Huntington will reveal how our surroundings affect our health and mind, and the secrets on how to stay on trach with Feng Shui.
Week 3 (October 8): Raw Food + Healthy snacks. Adding back eggs and poultry, while building our emphasis on raw vegetables. Dana will also give us healthy snack options.
Week 4 (October 15): Gluten-free. Adding in gluten-free grains and beans. Also, Benjamin Huntington will reveal the Feng Shui secrets to creating a space that will help us stay on track and committed to our goals.
Week 5 (October 22): Paleo Plan. We will go for a week of eating like our ancestors did. This method helps break through plateaus.
Week 6 (October 29): Urban Survival. How to eat out; stock your pantry; entertain with simple meals; travel well and snack for health.
We will support one another by pairing up with a partner. You can text each other to share tips and playful messages of support. We will also have a FB page to share ideas and support. We tried it in two sessions this winter and spring. It worked so well!
The Workshop includes:
-6 weekly, one-hour meetings
- Detox powder valued at $75
- Body composition and basal metabolic rate readings each week
- Weekly food plans
- A buddy system for support and guidance
- A private Facebook Page for all of us
- A talk with Feng SHui Master Benjamin Huntington
Ladies, trash the diet books! If your goals are to learn once and for all what it takes to feel and look like a million dollars, the Six-Week Nutrition Makeover: Play with Your Diet is for you! Establish healthier habits as we head in to the winter months that can be hard with all the holiday indulging!
(If you'd like to avoid the $15 Pay Pal fee, checks can be made to Mice at Play, LLC. You can pay in one go, or in two installments of $225 each. Power Mice enjoy a $50 discount on this playdate, and can also pay in one go, orin two installments of $200 each. Write to us: iwanttoplay@miceatplay.com)