Musical Interactivity: From Boulez to the Next Generation: An International Exploration of Muscial Trends
Event Location: Miller Theatre, 2960 Broadway at 116th Street (entrance on Broadway)
A free concert event at Miller Theatre presented by Jean-Baptiste Barrière, composer, multimedia artist and visiting professor at Columbia University.
Pieces by Boulez, Baboni-Schilingi, Brook, DiCastri, Diels, Goutfreind, Jacobs, Krueger, Sandred, Trapani, Tutschku, Pitsiokos, Oliver, Vincenot, Young
11 world premieres, 4 classics, including a work with sculpture and two with video
Performed by the Ensemble de Musique Interactive (France).
The Ensemble de Musique Interactive will also be performing on FRIDAY, MARCH 23rd at 7 p.m.Location: Prentis Hall, Columbia University Computer Music Center
632 West 125th Street
New York, NY 10027
Tel: +1-212-854-9266