Internationally renowned dramatist, novelist, and director Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt stars in this theatrical adaptation of his beloved novella
Set in Paris in the 1960s, the play tells the story of Moses, a wayward teen whose distant father is haunted by memories of the Holocaust. When he's caught stealing from Monsieur Ibrahim’s neighborhood shop, Moses develops an unlikely friendship with the Sufi shopkeeper.
As funny as it is poignant, this touching coming-of-age story has been performed in more than twenty-two countries, published in thirty-nine languages, and taught in countless schools. Actor Omar Sharif won a César and a Lion d’Or for his role in the Golden Globe-nominated 2004 film adaptation. For one night only in New York, see the tale brought back to life by its very own author.
“A stylistic gem, sparkling with emotion and humor.”
In French with English supertitles