Venez à Carnegie Hall écouter le Requiem de Gabriel Fauré ce weekend, dimanche 19 juin à 14h (2 PM)Come to Carnegie Hall to hear Gabriel Fauré's Requiem this weekend, Sunday June 19 at 2 PM. Requiem de Gabriel Fauré nous apprend à contempler la mort: solemnel mais lyrique, sombre mais pas opprimant, acceptant mais pas résigné, ancré dans la religion mais imbu d'une philosophie rationelle, il fut composé fin des années 1880 et achevé en 1900.
This Requiem by Gabriel Fauré teaches us how to contemplate death: solemn but lyrical, somber but not oppressive, accepting but not resigned, anchored in religion but steeped in rational philosophy, it was composed in the late 1880s and finished in 1900.
Psst... il y aura quelques chanteurs de Park Slope Singers!you may notice a few Park Slope Singers!