Distrib Films Presents
"Boule et Bill"
("Billy & Buddy")
Opening Friday, November 8th @ the Quad Cinema
Based on Jean Roba's beloved comic strip, "Boule et Bill" recounts the misadventures of 8-year-old Boule and his cocker spaniel Bill. With sparkling imaginative style and a lively soundtrack, the film brings to life a family's humorous trials and tribulations in 1970's France.
Written and directed by Alexandre Charlot and Franck Magnier. Starring Franck Dubosc, Marina Fois, and Charles Crombez and featuring voices by Manu Payet and Sara Giraudeau. The film is in French with English sub-titles and runs 90 minutes.)
Official film website: www.distribfilms.com/film/us/billy-and-buddy-boule-bill
Boule et Bill opens Friday, November 8th at:
Quad Cinema - New York, NY
34 W 13th Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues
Showtimes: 1:00-2:45-4:30-6:15-8:00-10:05
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