A unique theatrical event, this program pairs a staged, set-to-music adaptation of Marguerite Duras’s prize-winning novel The Lover (1984), with Duras’s play, La Musica Deuxième (1985).The Lover, a recipient of the Goncourt prize, is an autobiographical work. It evokes Duras’s childhood in Vietnam, recounting a teenager’s scandalous affair with a rich, older Chinese businessman. In this adaptation, director and actress Bas collaborates with Flammer, a composer and violinist, who has previously scored some of Duras’s films. Bas and Flammer use their respective instruments—voice for Bas and music for Flammer—to create a transporting performance.The second piece, La Musica Deuxième, tells the story of a man and woman who reunite three years after they have separated, to finalize their divorce. Though they have begun new lives, their history and a shared nostalgia lead them to each other. Through conversation they reconstruct their past, revealing misunderstandings and betrayals. Conceived by Bas, this bilingual presentation features brilliant performances by Bas and the Wooster Group’s Daniel Pettrow, and has been well received by American audiences.The Lover is directed and performed by Astrid Bas with music by Ami Flammer.La Musica Deuxième is performed by Astrid Bas and Daniel Pettrow.Part of the series: In the Words of Durashttp://www.fiaf.org/events/winter2010/2010-02-duras.shtml