New York in French is a free, apolitical, community-oriented blog open to anyone interested in French in New York City and its extended surroundings. This platform offers many free, innovative, spam-free, collaborative and news-sharing tools which let you exchange, inform, contribute and debate about questions and interests related to enjoying, promoting and discovering the French language and those who speak it.
Tips to get started
Basic Rules:
Real names only; organizations, businesses, etc, are not allowed to register as members except when using the first and last name of whoever is representing them on this website.
No spamming, no pornography; no nudity; no sexually-oriented content.
No libel. No unnecessary attacks on other members.
No invasion of privacy.
No copyright infringement.
New York in French est un blog gratuit, apolitique et communautaire, ouvert à toutes les personnes intéressées par la langue française à New York et ses grands environs. Cette plateforme offre de nombreux outils gratuits, innovants, collaboratifs, libres de spam et partageurs d'informations dans le but d'échanger, informer, contribuer et débattre au sujet de questions et centres d'intérêts visant à apprécier, promouvoir et faire découvrir la langue française et ceux qui la parlent.