Long Look Back: A Sentimental
Journey of an American
Growing Up in
Richard H Rogers is a third-generation francophone. His paternal
grandmother arrived in Paris as a young woman in 1913 for the last
social season before the Great War; his father grew up in Paris in the
1920’s and later returned during the war and remained in Paris for a
number of years. The author writes lovingly about France, its people,
culture, and way of life and most importantly its incredible food. In A
Long, Look Back: A Sentimental Journey of an American Growing up in
France, readers will find an interesting portrayal of the author’s life
in France as a young boy in the 1950’s and 1960’s. It is a perspective
that is often combined with beautiful meals and delicious wines. The
author’s passion and deep love for France is made undeniably clear.
Readers will be signing on to an entertaining, often humorous,
sentimental journey set first in the rugged and beautiful Emerald Coast
of Brittany then in Paris and in Neuilly s/Seine and concluding with a
collections of unique travel and food experiences as the author meanders
down from Lyon to the Côte d’Azur. A separate section
is devoted to a collection of delicious, traditional French recipes
“Cuisine grand-mère,” because how can one talk or write about France
without having fully appreciated and immersed oneself, in its cuisine.
A Long, Look Back is an undeniably wonderful, warm-hearted, tender
journey into a France of yesteryear.