A well conceived experience with quality childhood literature is a precious gift for your children, which will bring wonderful memories but also:
. support their bilingualism,
. give them the taste of reading,
. nourish their creativity,
. help them gain appreciation for the arts,
. build their empathy and critical thinking skills.
Marie Barguirdjian, an author and expert on early childhood literature, will be leading this workshop tailored for families in our bilingual community.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017, 7pm
Sign up here
Location: The Language and Laughter Studio, 137-139 Nevins Street, Brooklyn
The Language and Laughter Studio is a progressive French preschool and language school located in Boerum Hill, on Nevins and Bergen St. To reach us via Subway:
F/G to Bergen Street.
2,3,4,5 to Nevins Street.
A,C, G to Hoyt/Schermerhorn Str.
D,Q, 2,3,4 to Atlantic Ave.
LIRR to Atlantic Ave.
(Illustration: Please, Louise - Toni Morrison)
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