"The centerpiece of the Mad Men Season 5 premiere is a song sung by Don Draper's young wife Megan (Jessica Paré), in full-on sex kitten mode, to Don, in front of many friends and coworkers, at his 40th birthday party. It's a catchy little number, with French lyrics (Megan is from Montreal, as is Paré). This being Mad Men, though, one has to ask: Why this song? Does it have some deeper meaning? Does it foreshadow what's to come this season"?
To read more on Slate: What was that French Song on Mad Men? www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2012/03/25/mad_men_season_5_premiere_why_did_don_s_wife_megan_sing_that_french_song_.html
and here is the Mad Men version!