Presenting an idea, convincing and selling yourself requires knowledge and training. Hélène Godec goes beyond the expectations of an average public speaking coaching. She makes her training personalized: Hélène uses her deep understanding of the cultural differences between France and America to aide her clients in their presentations. Read on to learn more about Hélène Godec, a public speaking coach from Paris to New York! ----Why New York?
First and foremost, it’s a family affair! My husband and I wanted raise our kids in an English-speaking country, and offer them a bilingual and bicultural education so we moved here as soon as we got a business opportunity.
New York contributed to the creation of my own Public speaking company. There is energy everywhere in New York and the city revealed my entrepreneurial spirit!
What inspired you to start public speaking coaching?
I graduated from L’ENSATT (l'École Nationale Supérieur des Arts et Techniques du Théâtre) and La Sorbonne with degrees in theater, I’ve performed in numerous movies, télévision shows, and theater performances. The relationship between theater and public speaking is a strong one! Whenever you speak in public, it’s a performance.A series of invitations to work with corporations, institutions, individuals, schools outside of the Art and Theater business encouraged me to develop my public speaking method based in the technique of the theater. The high rate of success among my clients encouraged me to continue my journey as an actress and public speaking coach.I often see speakers losing business opportunities because they don’t know how to pitch effectively. They don’t know like an actor how to use their instrument-themselves- to engage their audience.A few weeks ago, I observed a CEO’s startup pitch in front of investors. He offered an amazing product, but was unable to show it through his speech. It saddens me to see someone with a brilliant idea or an amazing product that can’t connect to his audience because the speaker doesn’t know the techniques of the theater. When given the chance, I am glad to share my expertise to reveal my client's talent.
What differentiates you from other coaches in New York?
Our ability to impact others is not simply a results of the words we deliver. My professional training and career as an actor on the stage scene gives me the expertise and the ability to teach my clients how to control their stress, voice, eyes, and body language to keep their audience interested. My approach combines rigor with fun and the techniques can be used immediately.
Moreover, how we appear to others is often drastically different from the image we believe we are projecting and my method include video training.
As a French coach I can quickly help Francophones who want to pitch in front of an American audience because I know "our weakness”. We don’t take public speaking too seriously in France but upon arrival in the US, it becomes evident that if you want to get the job, you must be able to convince your clients and investors of your product.
What kind of person are you training?
Anyone who needs to speak in front of a small or large audience:
- Sales pitches, meetings, conferences, seminars, project presentations.- Entrepreneurs who need to convince potential investors and clients, executives, students…
Even if you are afraid of public speaking, coaching will help you gain confidence and even if you are a good speaker, you will find in the techniques of theater a little secret, which will change your speaker’s life.
Each person is unique and has their own individual aspiration and needs. From intensive preparation and upcoming presentations to job interviews and regular coaching, my training is 100% personalized to my client.
How would you describe the mains challenges in coaching?
A speaker has the power to win or lose someone’s interest in the first seconds of a discussion or presentation. Being able to present yourself, your ideas, or your brand within 2 minutes is a critical skill in today's fast paced information age.Wining over your audience after the first minute of your presentation is one of the main challenges of public speaking. Words are simply not enough, and a speaker hidden behind his text will not have an impact on his audience. Speakers need to know how to get involved, develop stage presence, body language and delivery!
When we are able reduce his client's pitch to less than 5 minutes and when I see that he is comfortable with its delivery, I know that he is on the right path. This alone makes us proud!
Aside from individual coaching, what project are you currently working on in the city in the city?
I am deeply involved with the very large French and Francophone communities in New York. We recently worked with a group of parents and Fabrice Jaumont to promote Dual Language program Downtown Manhattan.
I teach French Theater and performance at Fordham University.In December we presented L’Amour medecin by Molière. It was my first full play in French with Americans students. It was great big success and there was a large turnout!
I also teach a French business culture course, which explores every aspect of French business culture by developing pitches, writing CVs and cover letters, making introductions, networking, as well as developing start-up plans.
Last year we hosted the first “Concours d’eloquence” at the French Embassy. French students from Fordham University presented their essays in front of a large audience. The second edition will take place April 20 at 7pm, and will host two more universities.
As a part of the NYC Paris-Business exchange program, I teach pitch training to 10 Parisians Startups invited to develop their project in New York.
With the Theater Company, l’Arpenteuse Geometre, a company we founded with actors and writers in 2006 to support living playwrights and bring them public recognition, we are putting together a production ‘Tu devrais venir plus souvent’ by Philippe Minyana directed by Julien Fisera with Mahaut Rabattu and myself.
What caused you to develop a theater play in New York?
I have the chance to meet talented artists in New York and we are currently reading a bilingual play by a francophone contemporary playwright that we hope to produce soon in New York!Connect Hélène Godec Website
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