By Sarah Jane Campbell
Below are key skills related to communication and social skills that a Speech-Language Therapist can help with to prepare your precious child for school.
Communication Skills
Initiate and sustain conversations with adults and other children
Speak clearly and audibly and maintain eye contact
Speech is understood by others than immediate family
Speak without shouting or whispering
Answer inferential questions, e.g. why? What’s next?
Describe recent experiences
Recite rhymes and sing songs
Retell stories
Understand requests/instructions and seek clarification
Carry out three directions in sequence
Listen attentively and answer questions in a group situation
Talk reciprocally with peers and take part in conversation
Interrupt conversations appropriately
Join in a conversation appropriately
Social Skills
Face a person when they are talking and give "eye contact"
Comply with requests, cease activity when requested
Manage frustration and avoid tantrums
Wait patiently for several minutes for adult attention
Sit at a table and work for 10 minutes (with assistance)
Separate from parents
Independently begin an activity
Ask for and accept help if necessary
Play at an activity for 20 minutes or more
Play co-operatively with friends for 20 minutes or more
Share own toys with friends
Take turns in a small group game without assistance
Understand the needs and feelings of others
Emotional Skills
Copes with change
Can separate from parents easily
Comply with requests to finish an activity when requested
Can share his/her own toys
Take turns in a small group without assistance
Has reasonable control over emotions
Can stand up for him/herself in the playground
Is responsible for own possessions
Intellectual Skills
Can work independently on an assigned task
Can sort and match items according to simple attributes (size, function, color)
Able to maintain attention in a group setting
Draws a recognizable picture of their family
Names basic shapes and colors
Able to count out objects to 10
If you are concerned about your child's speech and/or language skills, get in touch with a Speech Therapist today. Alternately, check out my website for more information:
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