French For Little Ones Petite Ecole is a French immersion program for French and non-French speaking children 2 to 4 years old . All instruction will be in French and taught by two experienced native- French speaking teachers, for a ratio of no more than 4 students per teacher. You can choose 2, 3 or 5 half days from 9-1 pm, full days ( 9:00 am - 3:00 pm) or extended days ( enrichment program with pick up from nearby schools). We are open for registration and will accept 8 children for the 2's, 3's and 4's program.
Our Enrichment prgram is for children 3 to 6 year s old and include cooking, yoga, arts and crafts, lego worshop and more all taught in French. If your child attends a school that does not offer a French curriculum, our French Enrichment program is a great option for you.
To learn French, the best option is to attend a French school full-time. But if you have chosen another school that does not offer a French curriculum, our French Supplementary Program is a great option for you and your child. - See more at: learn French, the best option is to attend a French school full-time. But if you have chosen another school that does not offer a French curriculum, our French Supplementary Program is a great option for you and your child. - See more at: class will take place in a child friendly room rented at Play Greenpoint 33, Nassau avenue , Brooklyn 11222.
We adhere to the curriculum of the world-renowned French Ministry of Education. Our education emphasizes fun, respect, good manners, arts, music and physical exercise.The study of a foreign language has been shown to enhance children's cognitive development. It develops and strengthens:their understanding and appreciation of diverse culturestheir self confidence
their competitiveness in an increasingly global job markettheir first-language and overall literacy skillstheir problem-solving, reasoning and creative thinking skills
For more details on the program please visit or send email to