New York in French's Posts (162)

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Diplomate, polyglotte et engagée dans le développement de l'éducation plurilingue, Benedicte De Montlaur est l’invitée du 9ème épisode de Révolution Bilingue.

De l'Allier à New York, en passant par l'Egypte et la Syrie, cette passionnée des langues et des relations internationales, aujourd'hui Conseillère culturelle auprès de l'Ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis, nous confirme que parler plusieurs langues est à la fois un atout pour notre développement personnel et professionnel, mais aussi un pont vers d'autres cultures et imaginaires qui nous mène à des rencontres enrichissantes et une meilleure compréhension du monde.

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Episode 8 avec Peter Paine


Juriste, homme d'affaire, philanthrope et francophile, Peter S. Paine est l'invité du 8ème épisode de Révolution Bilingue. Cet Américain, amoureux de la langue française depuis près de 70 ans, a fait de son bilinguisme une force à chaque étape de sa carrière. Tour à tour, Peter Paine a défendu la compagnie Peugeot aux États-Unis, sauvé de la faillite le Fort Carillon, sur l'Hudson, et soutenu de nombreux projets environnementaux autour du Lac Champlain.
Écoutez l’épisode ici, sur le site de French Morning ou sur iTunes Podcast.
Le podcast “Révolution Bilingue” est proposé par French Morning avec le soutien de CALEC (Center for the Advancement of Languages, Education, and Communities).

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3438670842?profile=originalThree years have flown by since the current 2019 French Dual Language Program students entered Lafayette Academy with wide eyes, big goals, and an appetite to learn. It was September 2016 when the school welcomed this diverse, energetic, and ambitious group of young people to its unique learning environment on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

Over the past three years, Lafayette Academy's French Dual Language students have traveled the world from their classrooms, viewing history through both French and American lenses. From stories of the pharaohs in ancient Egypt, to in-depth analysis of world religions; from studies of racial and cultural inequalities around the world, to the dramatic stories of French collaboration in the American Revolution, the French Dual Language graduating class has experienced world history in a bilingual learning environment. They have traveled to Philadelphia to experience our shared histories and walk in the footsteps of such famous Americans as Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and George Washington, as well as the school's very own French namesake, and American compatriot, the Marquis de Lafayette; all the while, continuing to perfect their French Language Arts skills, confirming their membershi3438671037?profile=originalp as multilingual citizens of the world.

When asked to sum up their experiences as students in Lafayette Academy’s French Dual Language Program, one student quote by Khadija stands out -- “In the past three years, the French Dual Language Program has given me huge advantages, and I can say that I will continue to study French as I grow older because of this school. I had so much fun in the past three years. I remember coming into this school a shy, insecure girl; but now I am a confident 8th grader and I will always thank this school because of it.”

On the eve of Lafayette Academy’s 5th French Dual Language Program graduating class, Principal Brian Zager shares, “We couldn’t be more proud of our French Dual Language Program graduates! Let this be a lesson for all -- whatever barriers society puts on us can easily be broken down when children come together united through language and culture.” At Lafayette Academy, it is part of the school's mission to enrich the lives of all students through multilingualism and multiculturalism, opening the wonders of our world to each and everyone. The graduating class had received offers to attend some of the top high schools that the New York City Department of Education has to offer including specialized high schools, Bard, Beacon, NYC iSchool, Museum School, and many others.

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Spécialiste du bilinguisme et du développement du langage, Anne Mazuis Goldenberg accompagne les enfants qui font face à des troubles du langage, des dysphasies, ou des problèmes d’attention et de concentration en lien avec les apprentissages. Elle est l'nvitée de Fabrice Jaumont pour ce 7ème épisode de Révolution Bilingue.

Passage par la Belgique et le Luxembourg, pays dans lesquels cette praticienne évolue depuis longtemps, pour évoquer le contexte linguistique spécifique de cette région multilingue mais aussi le rôle essentiel de la logopédie, terme utilisé en Belgique, au Luxembourg et en Suisse, et qui signifie l’art de corriger les fautes et les défauts de prononciation. Le mot orthophonie est préféré en France et au Canada.

Écoutez l’épisode ici, sur le site de French Morning ou sur iTunes Podcast.

Le podcast “Révolution Bilingue” est proposé par French Morning avec le soutien de CALEC (Center for the Advancement of Languages, Education, and Communities).

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Episode 6 avec Ofelia Garcia

3438669971?profile=originalOfelia Garcia est une des grandes voix américaines qui s’élèvent en faveur du bilinguisme dans les salles de classe américaines. Elle est mon invitée pour ce 6ème épisode de Révolution Bilingue.

Professeure d’éducation urbaine et de littérature hispanique et luso-brésilienne au Graduate Center de CUNY (City University of New York), cette Cubaine d’origine est à la fois praticienne et théoricienne du bilinguisme. Elle défend notamment la thèse du “translangagisme”, qui étudie la dynamique qui s’établit entre les langues maîtrisées par une personne bilingue, et qui conclut que le bilinguisme est plus que l’addition de deux langues qui évolueraient séparément dans le cerveau.

Écoutez l’épisode ici, sur le site de French Morning ou sur iTunes Podcast.

-Podcast La Révolution bilingue-

Le bilinguisme n'est ni une anomalie ni un privilège. Révolution Bilingue, animé par Fabrice Jaumont, s'intéresse à un mouvement qui va changer l'école -et le monde. Le podcast “Révolution Bilingue” est soutenu par CALEC (Center for the Advancement of Languages, Education, and Communities).

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Dans l’épisode 5 du podcast “Révolution Bilingue”, Fabrice Jaumont s'intéresse à la langue française en Louisiane. Si le français revit ces dernières années en Louisiane, on le doit notamment à Joseph Dunn, qui se bat depuis des années, avec d’autres, pour le bilinguisme et la défense du français. Lorsque la Louisiane est entrée dans l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie l’an dernier, “mon rêve est devenu réalité” dit-il.

Joseph Dunn a une connaissance profonde des cultures, des langues et du patrimoine louisianais. Désormais consultant spécialisé dans le tourisme en Louisiane, Joseph Dunn a précédemment occupé le poste de Directeur exécutif du Conseil pour le développement du français en Louisiane (CODOFIL), et travaillé, entre autres, au Consulat général de France à La Nouvelle-Orléans, à l’Office du Lieutenant-Gouverneur de Louisiane, et à l’Office du Développement Culturel de Louisiane.

Écoutez l’épisode ici, sur le site de French Morning ou sur iTunes Podcast.

-Podcast La Révolution bilingue-

Dans ce podcast, lancé par French Morning, je reçois experts et praticiens du bilinguisme pour explorer une multitude de sujets fascinants sur la question. Retrouvez tous les épisodes ici.

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Dans l’épisode 4 du podcast “Révolution Bilingue”, Fabrice Jaumont s’intéresse à l’exemple passionnant de l’Utah. Il y a une dizaine d’années, les dirigeants de cet Etat américain ont lancé une politique de développement des programmes bilingues en immersion. A travers l’Utah, 225 écoles enseignent désormais la moitié du temps scolaire dans une langue autre que l’anglais. Espagnol et chinois sont en tête, mais il y a également trente-et-une écoles en français.

Anne Lair est la coordinatrice du programme d’immersion au lycée/université (programme Bridge) pour l’Etat de l’Utah. Elle raconte comment et pourquoi l’Utah a décidé de se donner les moyens de former des citoyens du monde.

Écoutez l’épisode ici, sur le site de French Morning ou sur iTunes Podcast.

-Podcast La Révolution bilingue-

Dans ce podcast, proposé par French Morning, Fabrice Jaumont reçoit experts et praticiens du bilinguisme pour explorer une multitude de sujets fascinants sur la question. Retrouvez tous les épisodes ici.

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A Night of Ideas & Philosophy in Brooklyn


Join us on February 2, 2019 at 7PM for A Night of Philosophy and Ideas, the all-night marathon of philosophical debate, performances, screenings, readings, and music co-presented by Brooklyn Public Library and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy.

This free, 12-hour exchange of ideas will feature top philosphers and intellectuals from around the world. Stay tuned for more details and to see which French speakers and philosophers will be present!  

Follow the event on Facebook

Watch A Night of Philsophy & Ideas live from Brooklyn

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WHAT: A Night of Philosophy and Ideas 
WHEN: Saturday, February 2, 2019 at 7PM to Sunday, February 3, 2019 at 7AM
WHERE: Central Library, Brooklyn Public Library, 10 Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11238

A Night of Philosophy and Ideas in Brooklyn is produced in connection with La Nuit des idées, a project of the Institut Français, Paris. Events will take place around the world, including five US cities, between January 26 and February 2, 2019.

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Retrouvez l’épisode 3 du podcast Révolution bilingue avec la Professeure Christine Hélot qui revient sur la situation de l’éducation bilingue en France, la place de l’anglais, de l’arabe et des langues régionales. Pour elle, les enfants sont en devenir bilingue et il faut valoriser toutes les langues.

A écouter ici :  ou sur iTunes.

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3438665665?profile=originalLet's face it, anyone who tells you that learning French is an essential part of the changing global landscape is either French himself, or trying to sell you something. That doesn't mean that speaking "la langue française" isn't cool, cultured and a hell of a party trick however. With French in your arsenal, you'll certainly turn heads at the discotheque, the bistro, the bedroom, and especially the bidet.


Here are the 10 most legitimate reasons to learn French.


Reason #1: Dominate your dinner menu


3438665864?profile=originalWith just a handful of French terms, you can take your bistrot game to the next level. Start your evening with an ​apéritif, then move on to an ​amuse-bouche. Your mouth should be so amused that you’ll barely have room for the pièce de résistance. A quick ​trou normand will help you find a second wind, just in time to go ​tête-à-tête with a ​planche de fromage. Cap off your ​soirée with a ​digestif, before heading to a ​fête. If you've been using all these words, your date may have even transformed from a “​peut-­être”  to a “​oui oui”. Bon appétit, you little ​connaisseur, you.



Reason #2: Go beyond Lady Marmelade.


3438665799?profile=originalVoulez­ vous coucher avec moi...ce soir is great and everything, but 9 times out of 10, saying this line in earnest will earn you a solid slap to the ​visage. Why not start ​doucement with some sexy, slightly absurd French songs with profound lyrics (​paroles)? Channel Alain Delon for instance, and croon in sultry tones:

Tu es comme le vent qui fait chanter les violons et emporte au loin le parfum des roses* (You’re like the wind that makes violins sing and blows the perfume of roses far away)​. Wave your cigarette for added emphasis. Suited to all situations.



  • From ​Paroles, Paroles, Paroles; Dalida and Alain Delon, 1972




Reason #3: Plan your honeymoon to Gabon


3438665953?profile=originalDid you know that French is spoken outside of France? We were skeptical at first too, but thanks to France’s glorious colonial history, French flows freely in 29 countries officially, and many more unofficially. French might prove useful (there's a first time for everything) in such dream destinations as Vanuatu, Djibouti and Saint­-Pierre


  • Still not sold? Take a trip to the ultimate exotic destination, the jewel of the Americas: Canada.




Reason #4: Become a cinema snob


3438665916?profile=originalThere’s a thin line between pretentiousness and refinement, and learning French will put you firmly in both camps. To achieve the coveted status of ​Monsieur or ​Madame “Je sais tout”, you’ll need to master the basics of ​le cinéma français. Film is after all an art invented by the French (according to the French). Casually slip in the terms ​Nouvelle vague or ​Cinéma verité. If no one has run away or spit on you yet, cautiously mention Truffaut’s ​Les 400 coups or Godard’s​ A bout de souffle. Feel free to use the term chef d'oeuvre. No derisive laughter? No punching? Good. You know why? Because you dared to learn French ­ the language of cinema snobs.




Reason #5: Carte Blanche


3438665929?profile=originalReason ​numéro cinq to learn French makes the least sense, but ​c'est la vie ­you'll have ​carte blanche to throw in random French expressions in your daily life. As with all things French, these absurd phrases will add class, spice and a hint of confusion to any dialogue. Suggestion below:

Bobby:“Say Harold, ​à propos of nothing, I’m en route for a ​dégustation chez Jane. Interested?"

Harold:“No way. Jane is my ​bête noire. I can’t stand her ​laissez ­faire attitude. Besides, I didn’t RSVP."

Et voilà, you're now part of the ​avant garde.





Reason #6: Stage the Coup d'état of your dreams

3438665877?profile=originalFrance has a rich history of revolution and beheadings, so if you’re planning to overthrow a government or depose a monarch, you’d best brush up on the basics of the ​Coup d’état. Get started with a ​grève (a strike) or two at your workplace, a local school or hospital just to get into the swing of things. Now you’ll need a handful of ​saboteurs,​ agents provocateurs, a guillotine and ​culottes (optional). Of course, you'll need to find a despot or monarch to realize your dreams, but with the language of Robespierre, you're halfway there.


Reason #7: Become an Endearment Machine


3438665942?profile=originalFrench is legally recognized as the most romantic of all languages (UN), so let’s get you up to speed some of the most ridiculous terms of endearment in the Francoverse. Give your ​petit(e) ami(e) (little friend) ​un petit nom (a nickname). Mon petit chou (my little cabbage) and​ ma puce (my flea) are solid choices. ​Pardon ? Your partner objects to being called a leafy vegetable or parasitic insect? ​Pas de problème, the French have a veritable menagerie to address their loved ones. Some options: ​ma biche (my doe), ​ma caille (my quail), ​ma cocotte (my little hen), ​mon lapin (my rabbit), and ​mon cochon (my pig) ­ careful with that last one. In case of emergency, forget about animals, and break out the ultimate weapon: ​Je t’aime, mon amour.




Reason #8: Improve your critical thinking


3438665972?profile=originalAccording to Marie Curie, learning French, along with a touch of radiation, will help improve your critical thinking. We couldn’t agree more! Among the multitudes of great French­-speaking thinkers, let’s take Voltaire and Rousseau. Fond of fascists and bitterly opposed to human rights as babies, once their French language skills formed at the age of 2, it was ​au contraire mon frère: all ​démocratie this and liberté that. How will learning French change your brain?



Reason #9: Insults à gogo


3438666053?profile=originalWe mentioned that French can improve your critical thinking, but what if we told you it will can also improve your ability to simply be  critical?​Though we find the French to be perfectly charmant​, if ever the need arises for gros mots (curses), French provides some of the coolest insults and putdowns. When expressing your discontent in French, which is expected daily, try Andouille​ (dummy) and ​Boudin (ugly face),​​both refer to sausages. Punaise(Shoot, Darn), literally a thumb tack, is a sharp word indeed. Unblaireau isa badger, but also an a$$hole (in our experience, badgers are both). Un casse couille is nut­cracker, though not in the cool Tchaikovsky opera way, and ​Putain is a versatile if vulgar term.­ Use when exasperated, angry, bored, hungry, excited ­ ​matin, midi et soir. 



Reason #10: Create a cultivated, sophisticated persona to escape from your mundane reality


3438665995?profile=originalIf this top 10 list has taught us anything, (not certain), it’s that French is more than a language ­ it’s an attitude. An attitude that will have a powerful impact on all aspects of your lifestyle. In fact, it wouldn’t be hyperbolic at all to say that learning French is a choice to become a better person. Ok, maybe a little bit hyperbolic. But this is a safe place; we can admit that French has an appeal that goes far beyond a simple desire to communicate. You want the whole package that French brings: the nonchalant world view, the lax stance on infidelity, the progressive views on sexuality, the seeming inability to gain weight while eating and drinking anything and everything, and of course that inescapable impression of simply being superior. Who wouldn’t want that? ​Exactement

Finally, if you want to know more French, how about giving Frantastique a try!





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Article partenaire (Click here for English): les « Universités de Francophonia » vous proposent une formation ambitieuse, marquée par l’excellence pédagogique, l’innovation et l’interculturalité. Retrouvez l’équipe de Francophonia et des formateurs du monde entier... Venez approfondir vos pratiques professionnelles, au travers de conférences et de cours, partager des expériences dans le cadre d’ateliers et découvrir le cadre exceptionnel de la Côte d’Azur.

Formation pour professeur de français à Nice, sur la Côte d'Azur, du 02 juillet au 24 août 2018
Une formation innovante pour professeurs de français avec la participation de formateurs du monde entier.

Que proposent les Universités de Francophonia ?

3438664973?profile=originalUne offre de formation à la carte couvrant tout le champ de l’enseignement, sur des thématiques telles
que l’évaluation ; le français précoce ; la phonétique ; la grammaire ; linterculturalité ; le cinéma ; le théâtre ; l’écriture créative ; les nouvelles technologies ; le renforcement linguistique… C’est vous qui choisissez les modules et les ateliers qui correspondent à vos besoins.

Un regard croisé sur la didactique et la pédagogie du français, associant formateurs français et étrangers
de plus de 25 pays, qui place l’interculturalité et l’innovation au cœur des formations.

La garantie d’un Conseil scientifique constitué de personnalités françaises et étrangères reconnues
dans le milieu du français langue étrangère, pour la qualité des formations et de l’organisation.

La Côte d’Azur, salle de classe à ciel ouvert… pour se former dans un endroit exceptionnel dont
les couleurs ont inspiré les plus grands peintres. Nice, Cannes, Monaco… Autant de lieux mythiques
que nos animateurs vous feront découvrir à l’occasion d’excursions ponctuées de découvertes
culturelles et culinaires, d’échanges, de moments de partage et de détente.


Voici la brochure de présentation

Universités de Francophonia

Une formation innovante didactique et interculturelle

Chaque semaine, vous aurez  :
assuré par des formateurs et experts français et étrangers
Module de 12H + Module de 8H + Conférence 1H

MODULE DE 4H (en option)
Pour approfondir les acquisitions des modules

Des sorties et des visites pour découvrir les trésors de la côte d’Azur
Mercredi : 1/2 journée Samedi : journée entière

Des moments de détente et de découvertes culturelles

exemple : dégustation de vins et fromages, soirées internationales…

Votre semaine de formation sur la Côte d’Azur comprend :
Modules animés par des formateurs français et étrangers, venus du monde entier
Conférences pour aller plus loin dans la pratique et la réflexion
Visite et découverte de la Côte d’Azur : Nice, Cannes, Monaco …

Hébergement sélectionné, au choix : chambre simple/double
proche du centre-ville/arrêt de tramway
Restauration en option (en demi-pension ou pension complète)
à partir de 550€/semaine
(Tarif spécial groupes associations/hors hébergement)

Universités de Francophonia

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Conversation with Ellen Bialystok

3438665159?profile=originalJoin us on May 18 and 19 in New York


Ellen Bialystok, an expert in cognitive psychology from York University in Toronto, Canada, will discuss the connections among bilingualism, emotional intelligence, brain development, and education. Dr. Bialystok’s research shows how in the bilingual brain the early development of some cognitive functions helps bilinguals manage multiple tasks more easily.

Ellen Bialystok is a pioneer in bilingualism. She has been working on bilingualism for nearly 40 years and uses many methods, ranging from psychology to behavioral sciences and modern imagery, to support and deepen her research. Hosted by the Cultural Services of the French Embassy and FACE Foundation.

Join us on Friday, May 18 at 7:00pm Albertine - 972 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10075


What’s the best age to start and master a new language? Are bilinguals smarter? Does being bilingual have an impact on our personal and emotional development? Ellen Bialystok will discuss her research on bilinguals and how she uses behavioral and neuroimaging methods to examine the effect of bilingualism on cognitive processes across the lifespan. Her discoveries include differences in essential cognitive abilities as children develop and postponement of systems of dementia in older bilingual adults. Preceded by a presentation of the French Dual Language Fund by Bénédicte de Montlaur, Cultural Counselor, and moderated by Fabrice Jaumont. The event will be livestreamed, and available for replay afterwards.

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Join us on Saturday, May 19 at 11:30am Albertine - 972 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10072


Bilingual education has been an educational option in many countries for over 50 years but it remains controversial, especially in terms of its appropriateness for all children. This concersation will examine research evaluating the outcomes of bilingual education for language and literacy levels, academic achievement, and suitability for children with special challenges. The focus is on early education and the emphasis is on American contexts. Special attention is paid to factors such as socioeconomic status that are often confounded with the outcomes of bilingual education. The conversation will be moderated by Fabrice Jaumont. The event will be livestreamed, and available for replay afterwards.

RSVP to attend:

Watch it live!

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NYC's Bilingual Fair 2017

3438662022?profile=originalBilingual Education Fair: Providing parents the chance to learn about the best of bilingual education

As the bilingual revolution has grown, more options have become available for educating children, both in private and public schools. More parents understand the benefits of bilingual education, and want to find the right opportunities for their child. Organized by the web magazine French Morning, the Bilingual Education Fair is the premier event for all those interested in the movement that’s changing the curriculum of so many schools and the futures of so many kids across the country. The fair is geared toward parents looking to find out about bilingual education. The best of the bilingual education community are under one roof and ready to answer questions. Exhibitors (schools, publishers, educational businesses, camps) all practice and promote bilingual education in a wide variety of languages (French, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, German, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew, and more).

Register on

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La Culture Oui, But Why ?


Saturday, October 28, 2017 from 10am to 3pm, come and attend a day conference on the importance of general knowledge in the 21st century.
In the program, roundtables held in English, allowing you to interact with experts while free workshops in French will be offered to the children.
The Francophone Culture Fair in New York will be held throughout the day in our cafeteria. You will have the opportunity to discuss and meet many actors in the field of French language and Francophone cultures.

Speakers: Christian Monjou, Caroline Murgue, Fabrice Jaumont and many others...

Don't miss this free event open to all !
Parents, students, teachers, journalists and francophiles, come with your family !

Please book here :

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Book Tour New York, Washington, Boston

3438661888?profile=originalJoin author and educator Fabrice Jaumont at one of the following events in New York, Boston, and Washington! He will present his new book The Bilingual Revolution: The Future of Education is in Two Languages, and will sign copies (French and English) at each event.



October 14             Book Signing at Woops! Greenpoint,      New York, NY

October 17             Book Talk at La Maison d’Art, Harlem     New York, NY

October 20-22        The Bilingual Revolution in DC,               Washington, DC

October 28             La Culture Oui, but Why! at LFNY          New York, NY

November 2           Book Talk, French Cultural Center,          Boston, MA

November 4           Book Talk at NYC Bilingual Fair,               New York, NY

November 4           Book Signing at Ich Bin Expat Fair,          New York, NY



The book The Bilingual Revolution tells the story of a grassroots movement that emerged out of the dedicated involvement of motivated parents, educators, and community actors willing to create and support dual language programs in New York City public schools.
Books in French and English will be available for purchase during all events. Order it now with 20% discount on TBR Books with coupon code : NYIF



Nicknamed the “Godfather of Language immersion programs” by the New York Times in 2014, Fabrice Jaumont has more than 25 years of experience in international education and in the development of multilingual programs. He has put his expertise directly at the service of the French, Italian, Japanese, German and Russian communities of the United States by helping them to develop quality bilingual programs in their local public schools.


The book stands on the edge of the nascent bilingual revolution running through the U.S. school system —Conor Williams,  New America’s Education Policy Program
This masterpiece will be indispensable for parents and educational leaders in the USA and abroad. —Bill Rivers, Joint National Committee on Languages – National Council for Language & International Studies
The Bilingual Revolution is must-read for every parent, every teacher, every administrator interested in creating and supporting best dual language programs for the 21st Century. —Marcelo Suárez-Orozco, Dean of Education, UCLA


Dr. Fabrice Jaumont played a leadership role in this grassroots movement and he has just written a book about it. The Bilingual Revolution describes what happened and gives the necessary ingredients for those who plan to start a [dual-language] program. – François Grosjean for Psychology Today
In his work, The Bilingual Revolution, Fabrice Jaumont encourages students’ parents to petition their local authorities, approach schools, and create dual-language programs in their neighborhoods. It seems the “bilingual revolution” will be fought by families. – France-Amérique
Over the years, Fabrice Jaumont has coached parents, both Francophone and others, to participate in the “bilingual revolution” in the New York public schools. Now, he’s releasing a book about his experiences. – French Morning
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