Hélène's Posts (6)

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The Ghost Writer by John Harwood is a brilliant ghost story (histoire de fantôme) that is homage to the Victorian tradition of the ghost story.
Gerard Freeman’s life is going to change as he discovered the secret manuscript of his great grandmother, Viola Hartley, a ghost story writer in the 1890s.
From that moment, his quest to reveal all the mysteries of his family background leads him to the haunted house (maison hantée) of his tormented aunt Ann in London. 

Why should his reading of the ghost stories interfere with his own life and put him in a terrifying danger?

Harwood is a talented writer who constructs his story with mysteries and nightmares.

Here is the French translation of the first chapter of The Ghost Writer (l'écrivain fantôme):

C’était dans la chambre de ma mère, une après-midi chaude de janvier, que je vis la photographie pour la première fois. Elle dormait, d‘après moi, dans la véranda à l'autre bout de la maison. Je me faufilai à l’intérieur de la pièce par l’entrebâillement de la porte: j’éprouvai alors une sensation de plaisir à transgresser ce lieu, je respirai les senteurs des parfums, des poudres, des rouges à lèvres et des autres odeurs d‘adultes, des boules de naphtaline contre les poissons d'argent et de l’insecticide contre les moustiques que nos moustiquaires n’arrivaient jamais vraiment à repousser. Les rideaux étaient tirés, le store à moitié baissé. On ne voyait rien par la fenêtre mis à part le mur de briques nu de la maison d’à côté occupée par la vieille Mrs Noonan.

When you translate an English book, you should always consider the context. As the scene takes place in Australia, we do not translate Mrs Noonan.

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How to Write a Cover Letter in French?

Your cover letter should be clear and unique so that you are sure to answer your future employer's expectations?

Give clear, simple but precise information about you
Write in clear-cut paragraphs with arguments: each paragraph shoud add new information

1. say what you are doing at the moment
2. give the reason why you apply for the job
3. talk about your experience with examples
4. describe your skills and your qualities for the job
5. show that you know the company where you would like to work
6. add your curriculum vitae

14 rue Aristide Briand, 78005 Paris
Tel : 02 98 82 75 85[h1] 
Objet[h2]  : poste de rédactrice bilingue à partir du 3 avril 2010
Cécile Binat
P.S. [h10] : ci-joint mon curriculum vitae

If you need to write a motivation letter in French, see our Translating, writing and proof-reading services available on Lyon City Blog.

 [h1]First and last name
Telephone number
 [h2]The reason why of your letter
 [h3]Dear Sir or Madam
 [h4]You work as a head writer for a local paper until 31 March and you would like to be part of an international company to use your language skills
 [h5]You are seeking a company that has a partnership with a legal translation services agency since you have a lot of experience in this field.
 [h6]Your past experience: you worked as an English-French translator in a lawyers’ agency in Paris region, in an insurance company in Lilles, and then in India in medical practice where the clients were mostly English-speaking expatriates.
 [h7]As an experienced writer and translator, you are able to take initiatives and work in teams. You are also fond of being responsible for international projects. You are ready to work outside.
 [h8]You would like to meet them to show how motivated and enthusiastic you are.
 [h9]Yours faithfully
 [h10]P.S. for post-scriptum
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Why is French an International Language?


 According to OIF, the International Organization of French Language, 200 million people speak French as their mother tongue in Europe, Sub-Saharian Africa and North Africa (2006-2007).

French is spoken by 63 million people in France, 16 million in Algeria, 11.5 Million in Canada…

French is the official language of the International Red Cross

Montréal is the second largest French speaking city in the world

In 1962 Leopold Sédar Senghor founded « francophonie » to promote French as a world language
and French culture.

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Spoken and Written French Language


 An interview in French with Catherine Fuchs, Head of the French National Center for Scientific Research, CNRS

Catherine Fuchs is a specialist in linguistics and semantics. She published many essays about semantics, especially Les ambiguïtés du français et Paraphrase et énonciation, (Ophrys Publisher).

She has just published Dictionnaire des verbes du français actuel - Constructions, emplois, synonymes, a dictionary about the French verbs.

Listen to her interview

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How to Write a Motivation Letter in French

A Clear-Cut Motivation Letter (lettre de motivation)

It is not always easy to write a motivation letter whatever the language. It has to be clear-cut with paragraphs that show your motivation, experience and qualifications.


A Motivation Letter for a French-speaking Employer


When you write your mtivation letter in French, do not forget your addressee is a native French speaker who has not the same vision of professional life as an English-speaking person.


Proper Phrases

In addition, you should pay attention to the required phrases used in the professional sphere.


Here is a good example that you may try to imitate:


Motivation Letter in French

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