looking for information for VISA

I m a french photographer and i would like to live with my girlfriend in NYC in 14 months when i will be free to my company, I would like to sell my pictures there also, then i would like to know how get a visa for stay longer than 3 months.



Thank you for all the information you will be able give me,





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  •  Hello!

    There are some visas you may be eligible...


    1. Travel visa - you may get one that is one-year long at the longest; however, you may need to pursue them why you need to stay that long ( to be with your girl friend is not enough answer.. unfortunately.. )

    2. J Visa - Trainee visa that could be 18 months at the longest; however, you may need a sponsor.

    3. I Visa- This is for journalists. If you have worked as a photo journalist before for some media or publishing companies, you may be eligible; however, you need to hand in your works, something like articles you ever worked as a journalist.

    4. O visa- this is Artist Visa. You may be eligible for that visa; however, you may need to prove yourself that you are "outstanding" artist..


    You can stury more about those visas and their eligibilities on the US Cizenship and Immigration Services' official website, at www.uscis.gov


    Good luck!


  • Bonjour à tout les 2!

    Je me permet de rentrer dans la discution car je suis intrigué par votre réponse Verica. Je suis sur le point de revenir sur NYC avec un visa touriste pour trouver du travail, j'ai déjà fais cette experience fin 2010, mais cette fois-ci il faudrais vraiment que je reste. Ce qui m'intrigue c'est apres les 6 mois, vous dites une fois d'avoir quitter le territoire on peu  revenir pour 10 ans? Comment cela marche? J'espère que j'ai bien compris ce que vous avez dit.  Merci d'avance.



  • je te conseille le visa touriste pour commencer, tu peux vivre au usa 6 mois et sortir du territoire puis revenir pendant 10 ans,

    ou alors il y a un visa pour des professions particulieres comme artiste, renseigne toi! et bon courage

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