Films on the Green

Bonjour tout le monde! I was thinking of trying to get a group to go see the movies they showed at the park. Then afterwards we could discuss the movies or go for drinks or something of that nature. Let me know if anyone is interested!

A tout!


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  • Hi,

    If you're on Facebook, can you please take a minute (well not even a minute) to vote and tell us what film was your favorite? It is very useful to know the taste of our public!

    To vote, click on the link and then on your favorite film! Thanks!!!


    •  Okay you got it! Will do 

  • Je veux bien aller voir le film ce soir (7/13) à Riverside Park ! Il y a quelqu'un qui peut me renseigner sur l'événement? Combien de temps en avance il faut arriver, etc?
  • Hey salut les filles!

    Je projette d'aller voir le film au parc ce soir. En bonne compagnie ce serait plus sympa. Y serai-vous? Au cas ou l'une de vous serai interessee, voici mon
    plus on est de fous,plus on s'eclate!

    Au plaisir de vous rencontrer!


        Hi Ya!


       Je suis désolé je ne serai pas là ce soir... mais have fun! peut-être la prochaine fois.

       Have a great weekend! =)

       - Kamara Alyicia

  • Hi Thanks, I will take a look and send you my info hope to see you there .. a bientot! and thanks!

  • Bonjour Kristin,

    I'm going to the park to see the moive tonight, and I'm interested in seeing the other movies for this summer. I'm studying French and would really like to have a conversation so I could practice. Here's my email Contact me if you're available. Merci!

    • Thanks for the message! Great to hear you are interested :) I actually just got back from France through a teaching assistant program and just created an alumni website. Feel free to join so you can see the french events we will go to this summer. ( I will message you will my number so we can meet up tonight.

      A bientot!


      • Hi Kamara and Kristin,

        I am interested in meeting people to go see movies at the park. This is my email if you would like more company.



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