: Bagdadi is one of Lebanon’s pioneering filmmakers. , one of his most accomplished films, is the deeply emotional, real-life story of the capture and captivity of a French journalist by Lebanese militias during the war.Rasha Salti, film curator and Creative Director or ArteEast, will introduce the 7pm screening.World Nomads Lebanon CinemaTuesdays:It can be argued that the generation of Lebanese filmmakers who experienced the country’s civil war (1975–1990) also saw the country’s cinema come into its own as a medium for artistic expression and exploration.The lived experience of violence and the trauma of a civil conflict inspired the emergence of a politically-engaged auteur cinema where subjectivity—rather than objectivity—found a voice, a language in film.The films in this program illustrate how filmmakers from this and subsequent generations have attempted to transpose the complexity of experience through the singular poetics of film.May 4: Out of Life (12:30, 4, 7:30pm)*May 11: Once Upon A Time: Beirut (12:30, 4, 7:30pm)May 18: The One Man Village (12:30, 4, 7:30 pm)May 25: The Road North; The Last Man (Double screening: 12:30, 7pm)May 25: Four Short Films (4pm)*Rasha Salti, film curator and Creative Director of ArteEast, will introduce the 7pm screeningFIAF members free; non-members $10; students w/ ID $7.For more information on these films, please visit: http://fiaf.org/french%20film/spring2010/2010-05-ct-world-nomads-lebanon.shtmlWorld Nomads, FIAF’s annual exploration of transculturalism in the 21st century, is intended as a forum for dialogue between cultures. It returns this May for its third edition to focus on Lebanon, a country whose rich heritage has long captivated imaginations around the world.For tickets and a complete listing of the series’ events, please visit:http://www.fiaf.org/events/spring2010/2010-05-world-nomads-lebanon.shtml