"Special Treatment," a new film by French filmmaker Jeanne LaBrune starring Isabelle Huppert, is opening at Cinema Village in New York City Friday, August 26th. In this darkly erotic drama, Isabelle Huppert stars as a high-class prostitute named Alice who serves up sexual fantasies for her clientele, from schoolgirl innocence to S&M. Fed up with the seamy underbelly of French masculinity, Alice crosses paths with Xavier, a neurotic psychoanalyst facing a marriage crisis. The two quickly realize their professions share a thing or two in common as they navigate the overlapping worlds of psychotherapy and sex therapy.
For more information on "Special Treatment": http://firstrunfeatures.com/specialtreatment/
For tickets and showtimes: http://www.cinemavillage.com/chc/cv/show_movie.asp?movieid=2222