10am - 12pm:Film Screening and Roundtable Discussion with Pierre BoulezEvent Location: Roone Arledge Cinema, Lerner Hall, Columbia University Morningside Campus10 a.m.: Screening of Pierre Boulez and the Lucerne Festival Academy: Inheriting the Future of Music. This documentary by Günter Atteln and Angelika Stiehler (2010, 55 min.) was produced in homage to Pierre Boulez on the occasion of his 85th birthday. It provides insight into his legacy not only as a composer and conductor, but also as a music thinker and teacher. Featuring music by Stravinsky, Boulez, Adamek and Stockhausen. In French and German with English subtitles.11 a.m.: Roundtable Discussion: Dialogue de l’Ombre Double: Pierre Boulez and the Reinvention of Musical Research with the exceptional presence of Pierre Boulez, joined by- Fabien Lévy, Composer, Assistant Professor in Composition, Department of Music, Columbia University- Miller Puckette, Associate Director of the Center for Research in Computing and the Arts and Chair, Department of Music, University of California, San Diego- Martin Scherzinger, Associate Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development, New York University- George E. Lewis, Edwin H. Case Professor of American Music, Department of Music, Columbia University (moderator)The roundtable discussion will be conducted in English. The screening and roundtable were organized by Fabien Lévy and are co-sponsored by the Maison Française and the Department of Music at Columbia University8pm:Pierre Boulez: 85th Birthday CelebrationMiller Theatre Composer PortraitsEvent location : Miller Theatre, Columbia University116th and Broadway, New York CityTalea EnsembleJames Baker, ConductorPierre Boulez, ComposerTickets: $ 25 general public; $15 CU faculty/staff; $7 CU studentsAvailable at www.millertheatre.com or 212-854-7799Concert Program:12 Notations (1945)Improvisation I sur Mallarmé: “Le vierge, le vivace, et le bel aujourd’hui” (1957)Improvisation II: “Une dentelle s’abolit” (1957)Dérive I (1984)Dérive II (1988/2006), U.S. PremiereThe concert is presented by Miller Theatre, with support from the French-American Fund for Contemporary MusicA related exhibition on Pierre Boulez is featured at the Columbia University Music & Arts Library, Dodge Hall, 7th Floor