Raimund HogheU.S. PremiereSeptember 26 • [Sat] • 4:00 PMAdmission: $18.00 ($12.00 for Danspace and FIAF members)"'L'Après-midi' is a new dreamlike light-bathed solo for Emmanuel Eggermont. Filled with understated movement evocative of yet not imitative of Nijinsky's iconic faun, it floated contemplatively on the music of Debussy and the haunting Lieder of Gustave Mahler. "In a one-time-only afternoon performance, Danspace Project and the French Institute Alliance Française's Crossing the Line 2009 festival co-present the U.S. premiere of Raimund Hoghe's at St. Mark's Church. Using Debussy's L'Après-midi d'un faune, Hoghe, a German-based choreographer and former dramaturge for Pina Bausch, creates a solo for Emmanuel Eggermont, which, according to writer Mary Kate Connolly is "a gradual, subtle collage of history, longing, and a neo-classical appreciation of male beauty unfurled."Hoghe's will be presented earlier in the week at Dance Theater Workshop as part of festival. is part of French Institute Alliance Française's Crossing the Line 2009 festival, a festival created and organized by FIAF. US tour is presented with the support of the Federal Foreign Office and the Goethe-Institut New York.