The New Stage Theatre Company updates Arrabal's tale of Lais' dazzling and bizarre journey in this mesmeric production directed by Ildiko Nemeth, with video projection designers Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger. Through a carefully crafted imaginary, the play depict some of the ways that today's culture - celebrity-obsessed to an unprecedented degree - and the preponderance of certain primal behaviors within that culture, may inform the audience's interpretation of Arrabal's premise.
Garden of Delights showcases the vivid and surrealist imagination of controversial Spanish playwright Fernando Arrabal, whose work explores complicated themes of sexuality, violence, good, and evil. Lais, a celebrated but troubled actress, fields calls from a live studio audience while ensconced in her palatial home. The lines between reality, dream and memory are blurred as Lais interacts with figures from her past and with Zenon, an ape-like beast that she keeps in a cage but cannot quite control.
NSTC has collaborated on different productions with Spanish filmmaker and video artist Laia Cabrera in creating multimedia sets with animator Isabelle Duverger, costume designer Egle Paulayskaite, lighting designer Federico Restrepo, choreographer Catherine Correa, composer Jon Gilbert Leavitt and ensemble actors Kaylin Lee Clinton, Belle Caplis, Brandon Olson, Chris Tanner, Geraldine Dulex, Denice Kondik, Francisca Magalhães, Valerie Miller, Florencia Minniti, Devin Nelson, Emma Pettersson, Alexandra Pike, Juliana Silva, and Jeanne Lauren Smith.
Opening: November 15, 2012 at 8pm in presence of the playwright Fernando Arrabal.
Theater for the New City - Joyce and Seward Johnson Theater
155 1st Avenue (between 9th and 10th street) New York, NY 10003
From November 15th to December 2nd at 8:00 p.m
Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8pm
Sundays at 3pm
Box Office: 212.868.4444
Tickets: $18 General Admission
Directed by Ildiko Nemeth
Set Design by Ildiko Nemeth
Projection Design, Video-Art and Animations by Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger
Choreography by Catherine Correa and Ildiko Nemeth in collaboration with the Actors
Lighting Design by Federico Restrepo
Original Score by Jon Gilbert Leavitt
Cast: Kaylin Lee Clinton, Belle Caplis, Brandon Olson*, Chris Tanner, Geraldine Dulex, Denice Kondik, Francisca Magalhães, Valerie Miller, Florencia Minniti, Devin Nelson, Emma Pettersson, Alexandra Pike, Juliana Silva, and Jeanne Lauren Smith
(*These Actors are appearing courtesy of Actors’ Equity Association)
Principal Administrator: Fabiyan Pemble-Belkin
Press Agent: DARR Publicity
Garden of Delights is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.
This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
This program is supported, in part, by Spain Culture New York- Consulate General of Spain: a member of the network Spain Arts and Culture.
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