The Boerum Hill School in participation with the Department of Cultural Services of the French Embassy and the American Association of the Teachers of French New York Metropolitan Chapter present the first annual District 15 Français Langue Etrangère and French Dual-Language Conference:
Building Bi-literacy
Hosted at Boerum Hill School
284 Baltic Street
Brooklyn , NY
Saturday, March 3rd, 9:30am
9 am: Welcome and Coffee
9:30am: Opening Remarks – Fabrice Jaumont, Education Attaché at the Department of Cultural Services of the French Embassy and author of the Bilingual Revolution.
9:45 -10:30 am: Differentiation in a dual-language classroom
Sarah Brooks, 2nd year teacher at BHS and creator of their 6-9th grade bilingual curriculum, presents on her journey to facilitate student engagement in a multi-level classroom through differentiation. Topics include differentiation of task, student-choice, review of student work samples and a brief workshop to practice your differentiation skills within a given set of classroom criteria.
10:30: Questions
10:45-11:30: Orthophonie des Étudiants bi-langues
Marine Putman and Jessica Feinman, bilingual speech therapists at BHS, share on their work with building language and speech skills for language learners both in and out of the classroom. Topics include techniques used by speech therapists which can serve in small group and full group instruction, as well as how to utilize your own speech therapists in your school.
11:30: Questions
11:45-1pm: Lunch @ local Brooklyn restaurants
1pm-1:45pm: Technology in the language classroom
Profitez-vous de toute la nouvelle technologie qui existe dans les salles de classe d'aujourd'hui? Faites-vous la planification de leçons et d'unités d'une façon de plus en plus efficace? Communiquez-vous avec vos élèves, leurs familles et vos collègues d'une façon productive et captivante? Avez-vous des stratégies pour l'utilisation de la technologie pour les autres enseignants de français? Dans cette séance, Amber Drabot présentera quelques idées sur la technologie dans la salle de classe afin d'engager la conversation à propos des meilleurs sites web, applications, stratégies, etc. pour les classes bilingues.
1:45: Questions
2pm-2:45: IB/AP Topics and Tasks: Comparing Pathways to Competency in Communication and Culture
Elizabeth Atkins, IB and former AP French Teacher at Portledge School & Nathalie Coulon, IB and former AP French Teacher at Locust Valley High School, will compare the tasks and the topics taught in the IB and AP programs.
2:45 Final Questions and Discussion
*No need to sign up, all are welcome!