Middle Country School District has abruptly decided to eliminate its French Program. We found out about these cuts by reading Sunday’s Newsday (2/6/11).
We need your help to let them know how valuable French is in the world and to ask them to reconsider cutting the program.
The French program at Middle Country has a consistent record of !00% passing on the Regents. For a school that is on the list of failing schools, why take away a successful program? Instead, this program should be promoted and expanded.
The Mission Statement of the District claims, “...to empower and inspire all students to apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to be creative problem solvers, to achieve personal success, and to contribute responsibly in a diverse and dynamic world.” By taking away a language, they are minimizing the students chances to compete against students who are offered so much more.
The time to act is now. Time is of the essance. Please show your support in one or more of the following ways:
Send a letter to the Board of Education (names and addresses given below) Join the student created Facebook group Save Middle Country French Visit the student generated website http://savefrenchmccsd.webs.com
Correspondence may be sent to Board members through the District Clerk, Administration Building,
8 Forty-Third Street, Centereach, NY 11720.
Karen Lessler, Ed.D., President
Susan Jacobson, Vice President
Arlene Barresi
Doreen Feldmann
Nicholas Caracappa
Carmel Fitzpatrick
Deborah Felber
Kristopher Oliva
James Pendola