Who hasn’t had to make up an imaginary penpal to write to? Most of us can relate to that school experience, especially when learning languages. But My Transatlantic School is something else: imagine instead that the classroom extends beyond its physical borders and opens a door onto the world. You can do that in just a few clicks…actually, in the era of new information and communication technology, much is made possible.
My Transatlantic School is an internet-based exchange platform open to education professionals. The concept of this online platform is quite easy to grasp: it enables schools in the United States to connect with schools in France, and vice versa. On My Transatlantic School, students in one country can meet other same-age students from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean to communicate with through new media directly available on the platform: e-mailing, blogging, chatting or putting up pictures or even videos. These tools stimulate learning and change class dynamics by allowing the focus to shift towards a genuine interest and curiosity of the other: who are they, where do they live, what do they do, what do they like and- let’s get to know each other by working together! Teachers and education professionals see the potential of establishing common pedagogical projects, stimulating intercultural exchange and develop interdisciplinary skills by using My Transatlantic School. Maureen, a high school teacher and platform member describes her students as being “very enthusiastic” about their video conferences. Maureen is a fan of the platform as she realizes it definitely motivates her classes. Another active platform member, Marie-Pierre, works closely with her transatlantic elementary school students to bring France to her Bronx classroom by means of My Transatlantic School video features: for example, one video shows two little girls explaining - in French- to their transatlantic friends what they have in their backpack. These are only a few examples of the variety of tools and resources you can use thanks to the platform!
Not surprising, since its creation about a year ago, My Transatlantic School has gained more than 300 member schools and it has hosted a variety of contests and festivals in which members have participated. Fabrice Jaumont, Education Attaché at the Department of Education of the French Embassy in New York, who is at the origin of the project, is confident in relation to the development of the platform: “We’ll soon partner with more countries on each side of the pond!". My Transatlantic School has the support of the French Ministry of Education, the Office of European and International Relations and Cooperation and works in cooperation with the Board of Education of New York and Connecticut. Thanks to this official support and a lot of good will by members and administrators, there are no limits to the growth of My Transatlantic School. It is the beginning of a new dimension in education, where there are - virtually - no limits!
A side note for those of you who shudder upon reading about “internet“, “ICT“or “social network provider“: first, know that the platform serves strictly pedagogical purposes and that it is in that sense not to be compared to other social networks. Second, rest assured that platform users are more (as in, very much at ease) or less (not comfortable at all) used to working with new technology in class. The team of administrators in both the US and France are ready to help members use the platform. Upon signing up, members are greeted with a welcome message giving indications as to how to approach My Transatlantic School platform. Also, tutorials are available to guide members through easier uses such as “browsing” the platform - and more technical uses such as putting up videos, for example. Plans have also been made for a web-based training session around the 20th of April, 2012 among other efforts to better help users. In fact, members work together with the administrators to build My Transatlantic School for the platform to be what it needs to be: a tool serving international education.
The importance of networking applies to all professional fields, including education. So if you want to connect with peers abroad and feel like you are ready to go beyond textbooks and simulated exchanges, come join us on My Transatlantic School: http://nycfrench3.ning.com
Linda Hanssler Wenner, My Transatlantic School platform coordinator.
Photo credits: Christophe Legris and Jonas Cuénin.
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