Learning to speak French, even though it maybe on a very basic level,has been a life changing event. It's very hard for me to put in words exactly how i feel. It's not just the language itself, as much as it is the numerous varieties of the language as well as the corresponding cultures. I went to Montreal Last Sept. and when I reached the border and spoke to the border patrol in french and they responded in kind was awesome. I also love the French that is spoken in West Africa as well as the Caribbean. It also coincides with my life's passion - History, with an emphasis on Black History.I was unaware the amount of Black History in french from Louisiana alone not considering Haiti, Martinique, Gudeloupe, Senegal, France, Congo, ETC. http://www.centenary.edu/french/anglais/afcreoleanglais.html .I was also intrigued by the similarities of the french creoles around the world especially in relation to the Louisiana version. My initial contact with french is my family, although no-one in my immediate family speaks french we are undoubtedly of French Creole Stock From La. I suspect even my last name was changed somewhere down the line to sound more american from Mercier to present Mercer. But i digress. I find myself watching TV5monde constantly even if I don't understand everything being said. Les Journal Des France 2 is one of my favorite programs and i can follow along on some of them. I also started the Learn French By Podcast that saw on this site. I have to say that's the best program that i've seen so far concerning learning french online. Repetition with that for me is key because so many things i hear and learn there are re-inforced on TV5monde. When I hear something on Tv that's been covered in the podcast it's a good feeling. My main problem is that i rarely have anyone with which to speak french, and when i do i get nervous and forget what to say. One thing is for sure my love of french will only grow as will my command of the language.So to all my Francophones out there i want to say be safe this new year and i hope the french language has enriched your life as it has mine.