F e a t u r e d C o n t e x t
Welcome to our 5000th Member : John Cauman
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F e a t u r e d B l o g P o s t s
Proposal for EDUCATORS: "HOME" A Film By Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Posted by New York In French in Blogs
As a gift to the city of New York and its neighbors, Yann Arthus-Bertrand would like to invite teachers, students and their families and extended community to attend FREE screenings of his new documentary, HOME, when the film has its theatrical release at the Village East Cinema (located at 189 Second Ave, at East 12th Street, NY, NY 10003) in New York...More
Art or Vandalism
Posted by Marie-Pierre Serra in Blogs
Graffiti is any type of public marking from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings. Graffiti has existed since ancient times, examples dating back to ancient Greece and the Roman Empire...Read more
Amuse-Bouche No. 30, but who’s counting? Numéros, nombres, et chiffres
Posted by Julia Frey in Blogs
Last night we spent la fête de Saint-Sylvestre (New Year’s Eve) with Michel in the country, and today, le jour de l’an (New Year’s Day), on a fait la grasse matinée (literally, everyone made a fat morning, i.e. slept late). One of the joys of gathering together over le brunch is discussing the night before... Read More
F e a t u r e d D i s c u s s i o n
Learning French
Added by Derrick Mercer in Blogs
Learning to speak French, even though it maybe on a very basic level,has been a life changing event. It's very hard for me to put in words exactly how I feel. It's not just the language itself, as much as it is the numerous varieties of the language as well as the corresponding cultures. Read more
F e a t u r e d V i d e o
BONNE ET HEUREUSE ANNEE 2011 - Les Enfantastiques chorale d'enfants
Added by Valerie d'Aubigne in Blogs
Mes meilleurs voeux de Bonne Annee 2011 a tous les membres de
New York in French. Votre amie Valerie. Watch
F e a t u r e d E v e n t s
La Soiree des Grands Crus - Special Discount for NY in French Members
Added by Diana Castelnuovo-Tedesco in Blogs
This winter, 23 Grands Crus & Grands Crus Classés de Bordeaux Estates are joining the First Annual Soiree des Grands Crus at 82 Mercer on January 27th 2011. This premier social event is a vintage wine tasting and the opportunity to meet 17 dynamic Châteaux owners. More
Avant-première of HOME and panel discussion with director Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Added by New York in French in Calendar
Spanning 54 countries, all seen from the air, this film captures the Earth's incomparable beauty and acknowledges its vulnerability. Director and French photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand, author of Earth From Above, founder and president of the Goodplanet Foundation, will be present to introduce HOME. More
Banda Magda @ Jules Bistro
Added by Banda Magda in Calendar
Chansons françaises arrosé d’un soupçon de jazz et d’une pincée de rythme Sud Américain... More
This Fall: Focus on French Design
Added by Marion Brun
Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum
Ongoing exhibition national design triennal why design now? More
F e a t u r e d P l a y l i s t
Pop Rock
Created by New York in French in Musique
A new selection of Pop Rock songs
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F e a t u r e d G r o u p
Art in French
Everything you need to know about French artists and exhibits in New York! Welcome to free debates and discussions about the French arts scene in the US! More
F e a t u r e d A l b u m
First Snow Storm on East Village
Added by Jean-Pol d. Franqueuil in Albums
Night time shots of snowy streets...See pictures
About New York in French
This Ning is for anyone interested in Conversing, Maintaining, Enjoying, Promoting, Discovering French, and those who speak it, in NewYork.
Find us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube:
5163 members (and their stories)
3645 photos
160 songs
403 videos
20 portraits
1103 discussions
1273 events
636 blog posts
89 groups
11 musical playlists
© 2011 Created by Fabrice Jaumont | New Yorkin French's monthly newsletter. Newsletter 13(January 2011)
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