Here's the latest news on the French Dual Language (DL) middle school program opening at MS 256, a screened middle school located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, in the fall of 2013 for incoming sixth grade students.
Date: Friday, April 5th
Time: 9:15am
Location: MS 256
154 West 93rd Street, between Columbus & Amsterdam
Principal Perl will host the morning event to update and inform 5th grade students and their families about the French DL program opening fall of 2013. Designed to advance French education for middle school students already fluent in the language, the program will be an extension of the successful French DL program at PS 84 (also located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan).
While Middle School Choice Applications have already been submitted, there is an opportunity for students in District 3 to add the new French DL program to their list of choice schools through the supplemental application for newly designated programs.
Additionally, MS 256 will post an application designed for students (not attending the PS 84 French DL program) who are interested in the program and meet the French DL eligibility requirements. It will be available on MS 256's DOE web site the week of March 11th.
For more information about the Open House or to receive the application for admission please email the school’s parent coordinator at
We encourage you to come explore the new MS 256 French DL opportunity!