Grand Concours 2022 Registration is Open!
LEVEL 5: $500 for the top student
LEVEL 4: $400 for the top student
LEVEL 3: $300 for the top student
LEVEL 2: $200 for the top student
LEVEL 1: $100 for the top student
We will also offer for the second time an award for our Level 5 winner: The Myrna Delson-Karan Memorial Prize. All top prize winners will record a short video to be presented at the virtual Distribution des Prix on June 10th.
Click here to register your students by the deadline of February 15, 2022 for Levels 01-5.
The Grand Concours will only be offered online & may be proctored remotely. It is an outstanding test for your students to prepare for as it is a proficiency exam similar to the first half of the AP: fifty percent reading comprehension and fifty percent listening comprehension (no grammar section and questions filled with culturally authentic material).
LATE Registration: This year, you may register for the Grand Concours at any point through March 30th, provided you give the national office at least 24 hours before you schedule the exam online & pay a late fee.
It is MUCH cheaper to be an AATF MEMBER before registering for the exam. You can order your exams and renew your national and chapter dues simultaneously by going to the AATF store. When you renew, please remember to add our $10 Metropolitan NY chapter fee, so that you can participate in our CASH PRIZES FOR YOUR STUDENT WINNERS.
May this year bring us closer even as we must remain apart. Merci, cher·e·s collègues, de votre soutien et de votre enthousiasme. On peut toujours enseigner le français et assurer la réussite de nos étudiants·e·s, en dépit de tous les défis quotidiens et mondiaux.
Bien chaleureusement,
Polly Duke
Présidente, AATF Chapitre NY-Métropolitain
Directrice du Grand Concours