3200 People Converge on Secret Outdoor Manhattan LocationFor Elegant Repast on August 20th 2nd Dîner en Blanc New-York marks the world’s first viral event, a très chic picnic imported from Paris and now taking hold in outdoor landmark public spaces in 22 cities across 5 continents including, for the first time, 8 U.S. cities. Taking the flash mob concept to a refined and mysterious level, these romantic outdoor epicurean feasts are organized entirely via word of mouth and social media, attended annually by thousands of people in cities around the world. Demand was so great for NewYork’s first Diner en Blanc in 2011, with over 31,000 people on the waiting list, that the guest list has been expanded this summer from 1,200 to 3,200 guests for this as-yet-to-be-disclosed location in Manhattan. http://newyork.dinerenblanc.info Part mystery, part magic, part flash feast, part , the day of the event unfolds the same in every city: the outdoor site is revealed at the last-minute to preserve spontaneity and secrecy. Guests are directed to meet in groups of 300 at rallying points where Group Leaders escort them to the nearby secret location. All are asked to dress elegantly and entirely in white, bring their own epicurean feasts, white tables and chairs. There are no paper plates or plastic cutlery at these events. Diners pull out candelabras, candles and giant flower arrangements to grace the tabletops and sup off fine china and polished silverware, clinking crystal glasses and goblets. Over the course of the evening, the diners celebrate amid live music, complete with festive white balloons. At 10:30 PM they pack up and depart, the site left immaculate, with no traces of the revelry left behind. Launched with just a handful of friends over 24 years ago, Paris’ Dîner en Blanc now assembles nearly 15,000 people each year. It began humbly in 1988. That year, François Pasquier, now 68, returned to Paris after a few years abroad and held a dinner party to reconnect with friends. So many wanted to come that he asked them to convene at the Bois de Boulogne and to dress in white, so they could find each other.What started with simple word-of-mouth—friends inviting friends—today has as many as 15,000 white-clad guests meeting annually in the city’s landmark public spaces and thousands more worldwide. The French capital’s most prestigious sites have played host to Diner en Blanc, most recently in both the Cour Carrée of the Louvre and on the esplanade of Notre Dame Cathedral. Registration for the waiting list opens on Tuesday, August 14th at noon. Please add your name to the waiting list ASAP if you would like to have a chance to participate:: http://newyork.dinerenblanc.info/waiting.php You may also send me your name and email address to get a priority invitation