2009 Jerome Lohez Foundation Scholarship awards recipients are1. Captain Jordan Becker (USA, Sciences-Po - Columbia University Exchange Program)Mr. Becker graduated from Georgetown University School of Foreign Services in 2001. Mr. Becker joined the United States Army after the outbreak of the September 11 tragedy. During almost a decade of active service in the U.S. Army, Mr.Becker was a paratrooper and Special Force team leader to lead combat patrols in Iraq, earning three Bronze Stars and achieving the rank of captain.Captain Becker was selected by the Department of Social Sciences at the United States Military Academy at West Point to receive two-years of graduate study at the Columbia SIPA and Science Po graduate exchange program. Captain Jordan then will be given three year assignment teaching undergraduate political Science courses and participating in the professional development of West Point cadets.Captain Becker is beginning his graduate studies at Sciences Po this Fall. He has long been interested in the work and writing of Hubert Vedrine and believes the deeper understanding of France is essential to develop a strong, institutionalized relationship between Europe and the United States to ensure peace, security and prosperity in the 21st Century.This solider- Diplomat speaks fluently French, Italian and acquired working knowledge of Arabic and Kurdish languages during his commission in Iraq.2. Ms. Pauline Dochez (France, Ecole Polytechnique - Columbia University Exchange Program)Ms. Dochez completed three-year program in Economics, Computer Sciences, and Applied Math at Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France. Subsequently, she comes to Columbia University to begin graduate study in Engineering and Management systems with focus on the use of industrial engineering and operations research techniques in decision-making process.Pauline is a highly intelligent, perceptive young woman. Not only she is a serious scientific researcher, but also an excellent writer and publicist for presenting her projects. While she was doing the researching project on women networks around the world, Pauline communicated with many women association around the world in English, German, Greek and Spanish in addition to her native French.Pauline finds that American people have certain way of being proud of their achievements without boasting both sane and pleasant.3. Florent D'Hualluin ( France, Ecole Pour L'Informatique et Les Techniques Avancees - Stevens Institute of Technology)Mr. D'Hualluin participates in graduate exchange program between EPITA and Stevens Institute of Technology. His subject matter is Computer Science. He worked on a finite state automation Library called Vaucanson. His professor commented that Florent is a talented orator, a good writer and above all a very fine human being aside of scientific subjects.Mr. D'Hualluin thinks a widely recognized diploma and local contacts and landmarks in the United States are highly valuable. He wants to keep an eager eye out for chances to make a change. What better place is there than the land of opportunity? He asks.The Result will be published on our foundation's web site www.jl911.org soon.The Scholarship Presentation Event will be held at the French Consulate to New York on November 17th, 2009