Saturday March 12, 2011 at 10am
11th Annual Theatre Festival held at the Lycee Francais!! This year the theme is "Declaration".
The children of the "Language and Laughter Studio", awarded last year with the Grand Prize, will be performing a ten minutes play: "Le Royaume des Declarations". A short play written and directed by their teacher: Stephanie Fribourg.
The Festival Première Scène, hosted each March by the Lycée, is a juried competition that celebrates the language and culture of France. Schools from across New York City and around the tri-state area (NY, NJ, CT) are invited to come to the Lycée to perform scenes in French from established plays and original theater pieces. Festival Première Scène represents a unique opportunity for children and teenagers—most of whom do not attend French-language schools—to become immersed in French language, and to experience first hand the theatrical traditions of la langue de Molière.
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